No going back

902 Words

Alpha Edward’s POV “Where is she?” “She is back in her cell,” my guard responded, and I nodded before signalling for him to leave. After he left, I took a long sip of the whiskey in my hand. A groan left my lips as I thought of my prey and the next torture I should inflict on her. I wanted her to see hell, and what I had just done was only the beginning. A knock landed on the door of my chambers, and without waiting for a response, the door was pushed open, revealing my beta, Matthew. “I figured you would be here,” he said, and I sighed and took another sip of my drink. Matthew sat beside me and then looked at me with a worried gaze. “Are you okay?” he asked, but I didn't give him a response. “The Council of Elders sent their sympathy to you,” he announced, still not getting my respo

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