
1600 Words

Amanda’s POV I jerked out of my sleep as a strange hand touched me. Curious about who it was, I opened my eyes and saw a lady in her mid-thirties smiling at me. “You are awake,” she said with a friendly smile, and my brow ceased. “Who are you?” I asked, not believing she was real; maybe this was also a dream. “I'm a healer. I was sent to heal you by Alpha Edward,” she smiled. “Alpha Edward?” I asked, and she nodded. “Why would he do that?” I murmured to myself and slowly sat on the floor. I looked at my skin and realized the red dots were gone, and even the pain and discomfort I felt in my body were all gone. “How do you feel? Do you feel discomfort anywhere?” She asked, and I shook my head. “Good!” She smiled at me and got closer. “You are eighteen, right?” She asked, and I nodde

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