Why is he here

1114 Words

Alpha Edward’s POV With a raised brow, I stared at him as I went to a couch, sat, and looked his way. He gave me that annoying smile he knew I hated so much. He surely knew I would never want him around me, but then he was my cousin, the son of my aunt. “What are you doing here?” I asked, making sure I sounded displeased to see him. “Come on, aren’t you happy to see me?” He asked, and I groaned. He surely knew I never wanted to see him, and I was only putting up with his presence because of Aunt Victoria. “I will ask you again, what are you doing here uninvited and unannounced?” I asked, already losing my temper. He smiled and took a sip of his drink before holding my gaze. “It’s been four years, man. Why can’t you let go of it?” I groaned and clenched my fists while trying my be

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