Duty of my mate

1235 Words

Amanda's POV I held his gaze, confused by what he had just said. “Excuse me?” “You heard me right, dear wife; your place is right here with me,” he stated firmly, with no hint of humor in his voice. “I'm not your wife,” I shook my head and tried to release myself from his grip, but he tightened his arm around my waist and scoffed. “Really? It seems you have forgotten our marriage vows; well, you might have forgotten, but I haven't. We are married, and you and Matthew will have to accept that,” he said, sounding serious, which made me frown and look at him with disbelief; he was acting strangely. “Now tell me, where is your ring?” he questioned as he took hold of my hand and checked my finger. “Where did you keep it?” He sounded displeased not to see it on my finger. “Where is it?” he

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