My wife

1523 Words

Alpha Edward’s POV Kicking everything in my way, I grunted and ran a hand through my hair. What Matthew had told me kept replaying in my head, making me feel insane as I struggled to accept it. How could it be? How could she turn out to be his mate? A surge of jealousy, anger, and possessiveness washed over me. I couldn’t explain the emotions bubbling inside of me. I thought of Matthew and wondered how much he must have endured. He must have gone through a lot until now he decided to speak. And he also made mention of loving her? Of course, he was supposed to love her; she was his mate! A frustrated groan left my lips as I ran a hand through my already scattered hair. I felt panicked, restless, and bothered. If Amanda was indeed Matthew's mate, then I have done a horrible thing to my

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