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"NO!!!!" i shouted. It couldn't be real. "calm down, it's just a dream... It's just a dream.." i said inside my head than somrbody poked me in the mowers. It hurt a bit. "IT'S NOT A DREAM, IT'S NOT A DREAM, PANIC" "Go and take her stuff, Michael. Mabye we took her, but she needs clothes and some entrainment, no?" the woman said on a sweet voice "Just take her backpack and some things from her closet. Of course, we are not going to let her be there like in prison, no?" I heard some steps going up the stairs and a some minutes later, some steps going down the stairs. They dragged me in a car -or at least this is what i trought it was- and i started thinking. "Why did they choose me? I am not special or it's not like i have no friends / a lot of friends." I was confused. Again, i was just 14. How could i not be confused? The fact is, that i was more confused than scared. And this is not how things work. A few minutes later they taked off the potato sack they putted all over my head and shoulders. I was not recognizing the place. Around the road there was a forest. It was already dark outside, just darkness with no stars. I also saw that i wasn't alone in the back of the van. 6 feet away from me, there was an skinny - sickly skinny- girl with olive skin. She was having black, curly hair that was looking like it wasn't brushed whithin a month. Her eyes wore an sapphire blue colour, that wore looking right in your soul. She couldn't be older than 12. We could say that she was actually beautiful, but because of the bad light from the van, i couldn't see her traits really well. "Who are you?" i asked. She made a sign to her tounge and that maked an x with her fingers. Oh. She wasn't able to speak. "What's your name?" i asked again "you can write the letters in the air." She hardly writed in the air : R... E... N... N... A... "Renna?" she aproved by nodding. "That's an really nice name! My name is Mary." Actually, i didn't liked that name, i was just trying to difusse the tension. She smiled and than giggled "How old are you?" she showed 9 finhers. 9?????JUST 9???? "Oh... i am really sorry for you..." She maked a sign to her chest than a sign to me and pointed at the side of her forhead. This means '' i think the same for you /the same as you"It was strange. What could an 9 year old girl do in here? And why would she be here? She was to tinny and skinny for work and she was too young for anything else. You could say that she was pretty, that's all. "but i am not" i said in my head. It had no sense. I tried to think of the things we have in common. "Well, we are both girls, we both breathe, blink, sleep, live, eat, drink, exist..." and a lot of stuff like that. I wanted to ask why is she in here, but anyways she couldn't tell me and she probably didn't know. Renna pointed at the darkest corner of the room." Wait - she can read my mind????? " i said inside my head as a joke for myself. "What is it? I can't see anything." She pointed at her eyes than maked again a sign to the corner. I looked closely and saw an middle aged fat man that was sleeping. Or unconscious. This was making me be more confused than i already was. Okay, so until now we have a tinny little girl, me, a fat, old man and i hoped there woren't more people hiding in there just listening to my "conversation" with Renna. We had nothing in common. Exept the facts that we live, breath, blink... (you know the whole story). I maked a surprised face to her, but she ignored me. "UMMM, HELLOOOOO? AREN'T WE SUPPOSED TO HELP EACHOTHER????" i said in my head. Anyways, i continued to study the inside of the van. Why not? Mabye there was something that could help us escape. Mabye there was another person that would mean another clue. Or maybe even our answer. More exactly, MY answer. The man was chill and sleeping, like he wasn't just robbed by some criminals, and Renna was starring at the window. My trought was that they don't care whether they are here or not. Renna was even looking happy. but Renna was weird. I saw on the ceiling of the van an LED small light. I tried to turn it on, but i couldn't. "Probably thay locked us in here and than they are going to let us starve" i said inside my mind "What some idiots, there are lots of they're amprents" than i remembered that they wore wearing gloves. I was already hungry, the only thing I've eaten was the egg and it was already 4 PM. "Pffffff, they won't let us starve! Or will they...?" Some men that wore wearing masks like the ones that criminals do (who knows, mabye they wore actually criminals ) , black clothes (probably so no light will reflect on them) and gloves (probably so the police will find no amprents) entered in the van and blindfolded us. Even if i was having a thick scarf on my eyes (wich btw was also black so i could not be able to see trough it) i could see the world really easy, only with a tinge of black. As i saw, Renna wasn't able to see anything, because she was searching with her hands for the walls of the van . The man was acting like he was in that van for an eternity. "Sooooo, uhm, what do we have for dinner?" the man asked "You see, i am really hungry, i only eat the breakfast and..." The tallest one of the men interupted him "If you don't shut your mouth, you will be the dinner for the dogs." "Excuse me, wha..." He didn't have rime to finish, because one of the men in black hit him with a metal bar in the head and the "i***t", as i called him, fainted. Or died. I guess we will never know. I rather not to know, because i was knowing that if they want they can do this to me too. The men got out and than the van started moving. As i trought, we wore on an unpaved road. That meaned we wore not in the city yet. When i looked closely inside the van i saw my bags and what i trought that wore i***t's and Renna's bags. I remembered that the i***t wasn't the only hungry one. "Renna? Do you have any food in your bag?" i asked "I am starving here while the men are having a feast probably" i added, but just in my head She denied, by moving her head from left to right. Ughhhhhh... "Than do you know from where can i get some food???" She ignored me, like usual. Halal escape partner. I could swear that she wasn't deaf, just pretending to be when she doesn't know the answer to a question, and this was extremely annoying. I anyways forgive her, because she was just 9. I continued to "scan" the inside and i saw an apple. FINALLY, FOOD!!! I showd Renna the apple and asked: "Do you want from it?" She ignored, so i trought that was an no and i started eating from it.
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