1133 Words

SKYLA’s POV “Why is she here?” Alpha Gabriel asked coldly, making my shift in my seat uncomfortably. “Skyla is our mate, Dad,” Kai announced proudly while Blaze and Ryder nodded in agreement nonchalantly when Gabriel threw them questioning glances. “Your mate…” he said in disgust, his judging eyes scrutinizing me with distaste. I needed no further explanation to know the alpha definitely did not like me or thought I was fitting enough to be mated to his sons. The thought made me uncomfortable, and I wished the floor would open up so I could call my way out of their judging gaze. “I’m Courtney,” the other lady introduced herself, breaking the uncomfortable silence. She gave me a tight-lipped smile, which was obviously fake. “The triplet's mom,” she continued. “Stepmom,” Blaze interje

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