Part 6

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Caly’s POV The next morning begins with my phone singing to me ‘It’s a beautiful day’. ‘UGGH!   It’s Saturday, b***h!  Why are we up?  Don’t you know it’s important to pace yourself?  Take a day off once in a while.  Humans take mental health days, this wolf needs one.’ Athena laces into me while snarling and snapping at me. ‘Good Morning to you too.  We promised Luna Katherine we would be at work today.  Remember, it’s what got us out of going on a date with Jase.’  It also saved us from Tucker’s party, all the snotty people who would complain about me, a lowly Omega, and probably a terrible hangover, since I don't have the tolerance most wolves have for alcohol. Really, what does she have to complain about? ‘Coffee,’ she mumbles.  ‘I already packed the mugs, we’ll head down to the kitchen after a shower,’ I remind her. ‘Proceed with the morning ritual of boiling of the flesh,’ she states in her most imperious tone. I grab a quick shower and throw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt with running shoes.  Standard ‘me’ uniform.  I pile my wet hair up with pins and skip the makeup. The coffee is waiting for me! ‘Good news, I smell the waffle iron.‘  “See, it’s going to be a great day!”  I say out loud.   ‘Keep telling yourself that, Babe,’  she mocks.  I run downstairs, and head into the kitchen.  As Athena promised, there are indeed waffles.   “Need any help, Gloria?” “Sure thing sweet girl! Grab a tray or two for the buffet?” I pick up two metal trays filled with waffles and sausages, and out to the steam line.  I take a quick look at the dining hall.  It’s mostly older wolves and very young children.  All the people my age are probably still sleeping off the party.  Perfect, I think.  I can enjoy breakfast in peace. I head back into the kitchen and Gloria has a few more trays ready for the buffet. I continue to bus service until Gloria is done and she pours out two cups of coffee.   “I guess I won’t have my favourite helper much longer, Luna Katherine is very excited to have you working upstairs in the offices.” “I don’t mind helping out down here Gloria.”  She smiles and hands me my cup of coffee, three cream, three sugar.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen her mess up a coffee order, and we have about 250 wolves. If that doesn’t show how much you care for your pack, I don’t know what does. “Sweet girl, you have a sharp mind and a good education.  You should be proud to work directly for Alpha and Luna.  I can have lots of help, and there are plenty of young wolves I need to whoop into shape.”  She winks and takes a sip of her coffee.  She pulls out a plate of waffles she has set aside for me, so I sit on the stool at the counter.  “Besides, aren’t you going to be in charge of the ‘Big Do’ next weekend? I’ll be here cooking up a storm.  You know they won’t let Cathy in the kitchen that day.” Cathy wasn’t half the cook Gloria was, and everyone knew it.   “Luna told me just last night, in fact, I am heading to the office now to get started!  First day of work as a new graduate!” I smiled at my friend. “You get going then! I need that menu finalized by Monday.  I have an extra 200 hungry wolves to feed!” “Yes Ma’am!” I give Gloria a hug before heading upstairs. The Luna is already sitting in her office, having a frustrating conversation with the florist by the sound of it. The first thing I notice is that there is a second desk. She waves me into the office and points in the direction of the other desk.  I take a seat while I wait. “This is not acceptable, you agreed on delivery on Friday.  Find another supplier if you have to.  You have two days to fix your mistake, or I will drop you like a hot potato!  My Executive Assistant Caly Johnson will be contacting you on Monday.” ‘Ooh!  We got a promotion!’  Athena ripples and fluffs out her fur, ‘Bout damn time!’ “Caly, thank goodness your home this week! These people are already trying to make substitutions for my carefully laid plans!  They want to bring in flower arrangements at 3 pm on Friday.  That leaves only a few hours to decorate the whole downstairs!  Can you imagine?” The Luna grunts out a little huff. “I am sure I can persuade them, and if not I will make sure I have an army of helpers to get it set up just like you envision.”  I take a few deep breaths and so does the Luna.  She smiles at me.  “You have such a calming influence around here, Caly. You are also absolutely right, Dear, We will make everything work. We always do,” She tells me happily. “Let’s start filling up your new desk!” ***** Over the weekend we finished up dozens of orders, confirmed with vendors and got the menu finalized.  It was so busy I forgot that the Luna had asked me to attend a meeting first thing Monday morning. I wasn’t in the office two whole minutes before the Luna and another woman were shaking their heads in displeasure at my appearance.  I was wearing the usual, a plain t-shirt and jeans that were faded away from numerous washing, not the ‘distressing’ usually done by the manufacturer. I had them rolled up to be capris length since it’s so miserable hot outside already. Mostly because I hate wearing shorts.  They garner too much attention to my fat booty. “This is why she needs help. She never shops for anything new either.”  The Luna tells this woman in exasperation. “I think we need to just start from scratch.”  The other woman nods in agreement.  She takes out a tablet and starts typing furiously. I steal a glance down at the image and it actually looks like a clipboard with a form tucked into the clamp. The next thing I know I am standing in the middle of Luna’s office with only my bra and underwear on. Even that makes the other woman’s tongue click in disapproval. I’m wearing just pale pink seamless set,  normally I don’t think I even match the tops and bottoms, so really there’s nothing to complain about. She was probably expecting something lacy, push-upping and expensive.   And if this wasn’t enough torture I am given a little wooden pedestal to stand on. “My name’s Caly by the way,” I tell the other woman.  I feel I should introduce myself seeing as this woman is currently wrapping a tape measure around my almost non-existent bust line. “I know,” she says, not looking up from her clipboard app. “I’m Kyrie, a fashion consultant.”  She and her tape measure are currently roaming down my body.  What a wonderful way to start a Monday, I think to myself. ‘Stand up straight, do you want the measurements to be off.’ ‘Since when do you care about what we wear?’ I question my wolf. ‘Since we are going to start looking good, dammit. No more big box store garbage that you always choose. I can’t personally wait to start looking sexy as hell. I got me a Mate to catch, Babe.  Oooh speaking of mate,’ she purrs, ‘when can we get some sexy underthings?’ ‘Never.’ I tell her flatly. I can’t imagine wasting money on things that only I can see.  I have a little more than a hundred bucks left to my name.  Plenty if I’m careful to last until I earn my first paycheque.  ‘Something lacy next payday, promise?’ She tries to bargain with me. ‘No.  I’m sure that money could be better spent elsewhere.’  She doesn’t speak to me after that, so I consider the subject closed. “So Luna, how many of each piece are we looking at?” Kyrie asks, pulling me out of my own conversation with Athena. “Blouses, skirts, and at least one suit with a blazer..” The Luna starts to rattle off a list. “I don’t need very much. I also would prefer pants to skirts,” I say out loud, but apparently I’m still talking to myself because neither of them are actually listening to me. “Dresses?” Kyrie aims her question directly to the Luna. “No thank you, I look funny in dresses.” I feel like I’m wasting my breath. Luna gives me the evil eye, warning me to close my mouth. “Two pair of slacks, and a dress!”    “Will she be picking the dress, or…”  I can tell that Kyrie doesn’t feel like I am capable of making such an important decision on my own. “I’ll be the one picking the dress.  Caly, a tailored dress won’t make you look funny, it will help you accentuate your um, ASS-ets.”  She smiles with wide eyes, pleased with her own pun.  Kyrie hands her tablet to the Luna and they huddle over it like dresses are the most interesting thing on the planet.  Right now, phoning a crabby florist would be way more exciting to me. “Can I get dressed now?” I ask impatiently. “One more measurement,” and Kyrie is suddenly between my legs taking my inseam. “Shoes too!” The Luna adds cheerfully.  I am certain I’m going to need a coffee and a pastry after this.  I wonder what Gloria has cooking down in the kitchen right now. Kyrie has a metal contraption to place my foot on for an accurate shoe measurement. I feel a little awkward shifting from one foot to another. “Morning Luna!” a voice calls loudly from behind me.  It scares the s**t right out of me, and I stumble backwards off the platform. ‘Eeeeeeeekkkkk!’ Athena screams into my ear as I feel the sensation of falling.  She’s way overreacting, falling eighteen inches from the ground isn’t going to cause me any harm. ‘Get it off!  Get it oooooooooffffffffffffff!’ she continues to scream. It’s then that I realize what she’s screaming about.  The familiar voice, the strong hot arms holding me.  I’ve been saved from the fall and scooped up by Jase. He holds me bridal-style, close to his chest. I look up and see his eyes go very, very dark. Well, crap. I’m still in my bra and undies! ‘We need to boil all this skin off and start over!  I can feel the squirrel crawling all over my body,’ Athena complains in her obnoxious whiny voice. “Thanks for the lift, but please let me down.”  His eyes are starting to get a bit shiny. His arms draw me closer to him, and his fingers press deeply into my skin.  His growl is low in volume, but I find it eerie. He’s about to lose any control he had over his wolf. “Jase, look at me!” He smirks because of my poor choice of words.  He’s definitely looking, and that’s the damn problem.  “Jase! Put. Me. Down.”  I say slowly, enunciating every word. His grin widens and he flares his nostrils, inhaling my scent and running his cheek over the hair at the top of my head. “Jason! Put her down!” the Luna hollers, using her command.  Jason tries fighting her words, but when the Luna approaches him she can easily pull me from his grasp.  He stands there, unmoving like he’s physically stuck in that position. Kyrie thankfully hands me my clothes. I dress as the Luna pushes Jase backwards out the door and locks it. “Go down to the training field and pull yourself together!”  “His mate?” Kyrie whispers to the Luna. She shakes her head ‘NO’ aggressively. “That’s kinda weird, huh?” “That boy never learns,”  Luna says sadly. *****  After all the excitement of this morning, the Luna and her fashionista Kyrie stayed absorbed in the finer details of clothes.  Since I have no idea what the difference between ‘trumpet’ and ‘mermaid’ style, or why I would want a neckline that plunges between my lack of boobs, I just leave them to do it.  I gather from the snippets that I overhear, Luna is replenishing her wardrobe as well.  I really hope most of this stuff is for her, I don’t want her going overboard. She’s one of those ‘go big or go home’ people. With the Luna so preoccupied with Kyrie, I am able to get tons of small tasks accomplished.  I even send Alpha Darius a quick email asking if he has anything he needs me to do upstairs.  I wonder why it’s so quiet this morning? Then I am reminded that the office door has remained locked.  The Luna has an open-door policy, anyone can come in and chat, and they frequently do.  If anyone from the pack had come up they either thought she wasn’t in, or was in a power meeting.  I chuckle out loud, the absurdity of having heated discussions over a dress.  Mind you, anything the Luna put her mind to was a huge production. I am broken from my thoughts when I hear Luna thanking Kyrie for coming in today and reminding her for the tenth time to rush the dresses, the rest can wait. “Well, that went much faster than I expected!” Luna says when we are alone in the office. “Really?”  I ask, puzzled. “Of course! I thought that would take all day!  I feel rather productive. I’m going to order lunch in, Alpha Darius will be down momentarily.”   “Do you want me to run down to the kitchen and pick it up? I was able to get through about eighty percent of your list this morning,” I beamed. “My goodness, look at you go!  Thank you for the offer, but no, I don’t feel comfortable sending you to the common areas right now.”  A frown creases her beautiful features. ‘She’s still worried about the squirrel incident this morning,’ Athena says sadly. ‘I had hoped to forget about that,’ I remind her.   ‘Not me.  I plan to work you until midnight, and a proper boiling hot shower before bed.’ ‘Why do we need to work until midnight?’ I ask. ‘Because he’s hoping you will be willing to show him your boring ass granny panties again, Babe,’  she sneers. Yep, I’m done listening to her.  Surely he would be over this morning’s nonsense by the time work ended.  Maybe I should just avoid him for tonight, better safe than sorry. “Well, how are my two favourite ladies this morning?”  Alpha Darius waves to me on his way to embrace his wife.  He softly kisses her starting at the top of her head and down a straight line between her brows over her nose and to her lips.  They are so cute together, I mean they are serious relationship goals. “I wasn’t going to stop by, but I was told the Luna was in a closed-door meeting today.  Is everything alright Kitty Kat?” “Hmmm. The tailor’s young consultant was in,” Luna Katherine was carefully dancing around the question.  I have no idea why, it’s not like she can keep a secret from him anyway.  Maybe she thinks I would be too embarrassed to discuss it. “I’m surprised she isn’t still here, did nothing tickle your fancy my Darling,” he jokes and she swats his arm away comically.    “Don’t you worry, I found plenty of pretty things to spend your pennies on,” She wickedly grins. It appears the Alpha has been successfully side-tracked. A young Omega soon delivers our lunch.  It’s grilled paninis, filled with ham, cheese and a sweet element. I literally open up the melty sandwich to figure out that the sweet taste is grilled pineapple. It’s an interesting and surprisingly tasty combination of flavours. There’s also sugar cookies filled with strawberry preserves and coffee for dessert. I definitely needed a coffee boost. While we ate, Luna filled the silence with all her grand ideas for the upcoming Summit. Alpha Darius hung on her every word, “I am sure it will be perfect,” he tells her.  “Do you think you could spare Caly for a short while, my Dear?” “She’s been so busy!  I think we are actually ahead of schedule. I suppose I could be convinced to part with her for a day or two.”  “Thank you, my Pet.  I will see you for dinner,” He replies.  When he turns to me, he winks at me and nods his head in the direction of the door. I grab my bag, making sure I have my phone, and I pack my laptop. I grab one last cookie before I follow him down the hall to his own offices. “Why don’t you share an office with the Luna,” I ask. “It’s not as though you would ever get sick of her being with you all day every day.”  I know it might be problematic for some couples to spend so much time together, but I just can’t see that being a problem in their case. “Actually, we tried sharing early on in our marriage. I assure you, this is better.  She has her office now at the top of the stairs for two reasons.  One, she likes to leave her door open, and chat with the pack freely without disturbing any meetings.  Secondly, she is my first line of defence. While so many people think they need the Alpha’s help with something, they actually don’t.  Luna listens, and she either gives her input or directs them to the appropriate person.  Everyone feels heard by a higher authority and can go away feeling happy.” “It sounds like a perfect working relationship,” I say with a smile. “It is.  She also secretly mind-links me before she sends anyone down to my office. It helps me seem informed on their issue.  No boss wants to have to deal with an issue that they had no idea was even occurring.”   “So now that you have your answer, let’s discuss why the Luna sent you down to my office.”  Well, double crap.
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