Part 74

3581 Words

Stavros’s POV I slipped in on Marcus’s afternoon training of the junior warriors, our Pack’s 11 to 16 year-old pups who haven’t shifted yet. Right after them came the 16 to 18’s age group, the wolves who we were still assessing the potential of, who was a warrior, and who was not. Sometimes it’s easy to identify them, like the kid Caly had helped shift, Conner. He had already moved up to full training, but some kids don’t take it seriously until they finish high school and realize being a warrior might be hard work, but it’s a hell of a lot better than a random job as a house Omega. Certainly, a more prestigious job to brag about, if you’re trying to pick up a date at the bar.    Marcus realized quickly that today I was pulling no punches, so he used me to his full advantage, performing

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