Part 66

3194 Words

Caly's POV I wake up to my weirdly recorded voice.  Why?  That right, that's Stav's alarm to wake up for training.  Wait, I've heard that before.  When I was in heat I think I spent a night or two in his bed.  Well, it was more like three nights.  I feel a hand grab onto mine as he lifts my arm up, and off his warm body as he rolls towards his nightstand.  My voice is shut off mid 'Allllpppph'.   "What the hell am I doing?" I try to think of why I'm here. "Yes, what are you doing?" Stav asks me.  I must have spoken my mind out loud. Crap.  "I'm sorry Alpha, I don't know why I'm here, I don't know how I got somewhere I shouldn't be." I feel totally confused and rush to escape his bed, but a heavy arm lands on top of me, pulling me back in, my back against his chest. "You're in your A

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