Chapter 9

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Seline watched Heinz ride away. She did not want to see all the men go. Only now that Heinz was leaving it dawned on her that with all the men gone, all the work will be left to the very old or the very young men, and the women. Men under the age of 15 do not have to fight, but if the war goes on for a long time, even the ones who are staying safely at home now will grow to be old enough to go off and fight. Seline looked back at the house. No one had come outside looking for her. They were all still too upset to have noticed that she was gone. She decided to walk down the road and go to see Will before he and his older brother leave. She should have asked Heinz if she could ride double with him. He would have to ride by the road to Will’s father’s farm. It would have saved her some time. Seline walked as fast as she could. Her bulky skirts did not allow for too swift a movement, but she was able to keep a steady pace. She was hoping that maybe they had not heard the news yet. Seline knew that Will’s older brother went into town to make deliveries daily for the mill. Most likely he would have heard the news and come home to tell his family. Ellis Evans was 21 married and had a baby on the way. He was working hard to earn extra money to buy land near his father’s farm so that he would be able to farm with him. Since Ellis was in town almost everyday, he was always up on the latest news. It was already late afternoon by the time Seline made it to the road leading to the farm. She was tired and dusty, but she knew that she needed to hurry if she was going to see Will. She turned into the lane and began walking faster. Through the trees ahead, she could see a wagon drawn by a horse with a single man driving. As the wagon moved closer she could see that it was Will’s brother Ellis. He waved as soon as Seline came into sight. When the wagon drew close enough he came to a halt and spoke to her. “Hey Seli. You must be here to see Will off. He was just finishing saddling his horse. Since we will be in two different regiments, we are going separately. I am headed to the camp the next town over.” Seline reached up and gave Ellis a hug.”you stay safe and come back soon so you can see that baby of yours when its born.” Seline said as she released him. Ellis nodded but did not say anything more. With a look of regret, he flicked the reins, and he was moving again. Seline stepped back to let him pass by. Her feet flew down the drive knowing that she had made it just in time to see Will. She ran down to the barn and found the horse tied in the alley way saddled up and ready to go, but no Will. She looked around the barn and all the stalls, but she did not see him. When Seline saw the stairs leading to the hay loft, she immediately knew where he was. Moving quickly and quietly up the stairs, she walked out into the main space and down along the far side wall to the back of the hay stack. There tucked into a corner was their space. It was a small private spot that they made to hide out and talk, or look at the stars when the loft door was open. They made a new one in each of their barns every year. As she peaked around the corner, there he was. Lying in the hay and looking like a sleeping god with the glow the sunlight cast on his hair. Seline stood quietly, and just watched him lay there. He did not move, nor did he open his eyes. His lips seemed to be moving, but Seline could not hear anything, and she could not make out what he was saying. She thought of how wonderful it would have been if they had been betrothed. She would be able to spend the rest of her life with her best friend. Why did everything have to go so terribly wrong? Now he will be betrothed to her sister, and when he comes back from war, he will be wed to her. If the war lasts any amount of time at all, more than likely she will not only be married, but with child if the widower has his way. It would be her duty to provide him with an heir. She knew that she could not shirk her duty and disgrace her family, but it was nice to linger on what could have been. If only Alene had thought to bring one of her sisters, or Henni with her to bring Mr. glassman his birthday surprise. Seline suspected that his birthday surprise also involved a birthday kiss. She would not tell, nor could she be angry at her sister. For a whole day Seline had walked around thinking that the letter had referred to her and Will. Seline's mind wandered back to that kiss and thought how nice it would be to have one more before Will left. She took a small step forward to move closer to him. She put her hand on the hay bale that will was laying on and made a soft rustling. At the sound of her movement his eyes opened and locked on her. He sat up suddenly and held his arms out to her. “I knew you would come.” Seline went forward and walked into his arms. Will and Seline had always hugged like they were family but this was different. This one contained all the love, desire, and desperation that they each felt for each other.
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