Chapter 17

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After Papa left with Pastor Oliver and Seline’s sisters left with their new husbands. She was left alone with Will in the camp. It was now very dark. Many of the campfires had gone out and most of the men that had been keeping a nervous vigil had long since given in to trying to get some sleep before they moved out in the morning. It would be a long walk to the training grounds. Will grabbed Seline’s hand and led her around to the mouth of his tent. They went inside and sat down together on the bed roll that he had made on the ground. Will took Seline’s hand and kissed it. “I can’t believe it. I thought that I would never see you again, and now here we are and you are my wife. It is like I get to have everything that I ever wanted in one night, only to have it all taken away again in the morning.” His eyes had turned sad. Seline knew that they would be apart while he went off to war and she would stay with her parents as if nothing had changed until he returned. The only thing that was different is that now Mr. Dells could not force her to marry him, and her two younger sisters were safe as well. Her older sisters, Mr. Dells could not lay claim to either, as they were already betrothed. All the women in her family were safe. That was what mattered. Mr. Dells also had no cause to try and say that Alene or Seline were with a man inappropriately as they are now both married to the men that Mr. Dells was claiming that he had seen them with. It was not a crime to be with your husband, or if the man in question made you his wife. Seeing the sad look on Will’s face, she reached over and stroked his cheek, then leaned in and kissed him. She felt free now that she was allowed to do kiss him. The kiss was so much more now that there was no guilt or fear of getting caught. The fire inside her ignited at once. For Will, it must have also, because he responded in earnest. The kiss gained in passion and turned into frantic need and want. Each pulled the other closer. Will wrapped his arms, thickly corded from years of farm work, tightly around her waist and pulled her as close to him as he could. Seline reached behind Will and began to pull up the back of his shirt. It was a long tunic and Will had to let her go to remove the shirt which he flung aside with impatience as he reached for her once again. Their lips collided and they kissed with passion and eagerness. Once, twice, three times, and again, and again. They kissed like they would never be able to again. Each kiss brought new heights and new exploration. Will’s tongue was in her mouth and explored with hers. He moved planting kisses on the side of her cheek and down to her ear, and then tiny sucking kisses on her neck and collar bone that sent chills up her spine. His hands had traveled down the length of her body sending wave of warmth with them. His hands followed her curves around to her back. One of his hands found the buttons on the back of Seline’s bodice and began to undo every button. Seline was dizzy from the pleasure, but was exploring Will’s body with her hands also. His hard chest felt smooth under her delicate fingers. He was not a hairy man and Seline liked that about him. With every movement of Will’s body she could feel his chest and shoulders move. The power of his muscles made her body zing with pleasure. Her fingers explored lower down his body to the waist of his pants. They hung lower since he was sitting and she could feel the bottom of his abdominal muscles hard like a washboard. Will’s hands had found the hem of her dress and started working their way up her legs under the material. His hands found her hips and gripped her buttocks. He pulled her closer to him as their mouths began to move more furiously. With one swift move he pulled her up into his lap and had her sitting straddling his legs. Seline wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he began to nuzzle her chest. His hands moved slowly and pushed the shoulders of her dress off her as his lips followed behind the material with kisses. He worked his way down slowly with kisses to the tops of her breasts. Seline arched her back and threw her head back with a moan escaping her lips. Will’s hands were on her hips and pushing her down into him as he pushed his hips up into her. He slid one of his hands up to the small of her back and other behind her head as he pushed her onto her back. He went back to kissing her lips as his hands unbuttoned the rest of the buttons on the front of her dress. He pulled the dress off her leaving her in her under bodice. The lighter material allowed her to feel every touch more intensely. Will untied the front and slipped it completely off her shoulder and down her arm. Each touch sent thrills through her. Seline grasped his hair in her hands and pulled his face to hers. Their skin touching sent thrills though Seline and lit the fire in her even more. Seline slid her hands down to Will’s waist and began to undo his pants. She moved her hands to the sides of his hips and slid his pants off. He kissed down her sides as he used one hand to slide the top of her underbodice down and the other to take his pants off at the same time. When Will came back up he took his weight off of her and slide the entire underbodice up and over her head. They were now completely skin to skin and the warmth of their bodies sent every nerve to tingling. Will gently pushed her legs apart and moved his leg between them. His hand rubbed up her thigh to the apex. Seline moaned and lifted her hips to his hand. She lifted her free leg and wrapped it around Will’s. He slid his other leg over so he was completely between her legs. He moved upward to continue kissing her. Breathlessly she nodded and pulled him face back to hers. He slowly moved into her and she buried her face in his chest to cover the moan of pleasure as he stopped to make sure she was alright with him continuing. She pulled her head back and moved against him indicating that he should keep going. He started to move and she moved with him in rhythm. As they moved their urgency drove them to moved faster and harder. Will kissed down her throat and then came back to her lips as he plunged back inside her again and again. They moved at a fever pitch as she reached her climax. He thrust inside her as far as he could go causing her to cry out. He found his release and kissed her lips sweetly. They moved together, discovering one another in new ways. They each found pleasure in the arms of the other, and they consummated their love. As they came down from the high, they held each other tightly. Will kissed her lightly on the side of her head and up to the side of her lips. He rolled onto his back and reached out and pulled her onto his chest to fall asleep.
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