Chapter 2

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Seline and Will got up and said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Seline went to the hen house to collect the eggs so she would have an excuse for being outside this early. She had taken a few minutes behind the hen house, where there was a little pond. She used her reflection trying to get the hay out of her hair and clothes. Seline was the middle child. She had two older sisters and two younger sisters. Both were sets of twins, and as such each pair were inseparable. Seline had always been the lone child. She learned to do things mostly by herself. That was the main reason that she and Will got along so well. He was a middle child also. His father took his oldest brother under his tutelage right away and the his youngest brother was the baby and his mother’s favorite so he was always with her. Will was left to find his own way and so he and Seline became best friends. Now that they were older the friendship remained but it had to be more secretive because the adults all had their own plans for the pair of them, and it did not include the two of them ending up together in the hay barn. Marriages were rarely made for love in the wealthier families of society. They were made for alliances, acquisition, repayment and power. A child was treated like a possession. The more beautiful or handsome, the better academic or business standing that your child had the better chance a family had of making a match that would make them wealthier, or garner more power. Seline was considered to be quite beautiful and as such her father had been shopping her about to many of the local families that were wealthier than them and that had eligible sons, and in one case to a very wealthy old widower. His wife and only child died in child birth and as such he had no heir. The marriages of her two older sisters had been arranged 3 months ago and the customary 4 month engagement was almost over. Her parents decided that they would celebrate both girls' weddings on the same day since they were both born on the same day, but everyone in town knew that the only reason that Seline’s father was doing that is so that he could save money. Why pay for two weddings when you can have one for both of them. Rose and Heather did not mind, since they had done everything together their whole life, it seemed only natural to them. As Seline entered the house with the chicken eggs that she collected, she did not fear that someone would figure out that she did not sleep in her bed last night. Since she was the only who did not have a twin, she was the only one who did not have to share a bed. With the eggs washed and placed on the scrub wood table. Seline headed upstairs to brush her hair and tidy her clothes. No one in the house was up yet which was unusual. She quietly walked into her room and closed the door. Walking to the looking glass she was thinking about her time with Will. She did not want those times to end. She had been hoping all summer that Will would get the courage to ask his father to make a deal with hers for them to be wed. It would be an advantageous match for both families, as the two farms bordered each other, and as they were adding a match they would be allowed by law to annex in some of the unclaimed farm land to the south of the two farms and making them both that much larger. Unfortunately Will must not feel the same way about her as she did about him, because as far as she knew he had never asked. Now the night of her betrothal announcement was almost here, and she had no idea who her parents had made a deal with. Her younger sisters kept a running commentary at dinner last night as to their guesses who it might be. In the end both girls had decided that the most advantageous match for her father right now would be the old widower Hadley. He was considered old since he had gone prematurely grey at the age of 28 when he lost his wife and son in child birth. Now he was 30. The idea of marrying a man that was almost twice her age made here nauseated, but she would do what her family told her or she would find herself shunned and homeless. Most women deal with the unwanted marriage instead of trying to fend for themselves alone. In the mirror she slowly brushed out her long golden blonde hair, and pulled it back in a braid. She pinched her cheeks to give them a bit of color before looking in the mirror at her bright golden eyes that matched her shining hair. Seeing that all was in order she went down to have breakfast and then head to the women’s study to meet with the girl’s tutor mr. Glassman. Seline’s sisters came down shortly after her and Henni their cook and maid was already in the kitchen with breakfast started. Seline’s two younger sisters, Alice and Alene, were begging Henni to tell them about what it was like to be with a man before their parents came down. “No way, no how. You two ask your mother or your older sisters after they are married. That is not my place and your Pa and Mama would fire me on the spot for that..”. Henni’ s face turned red and she began kneading her bread faster and more vigorously. Seline reached over and grabbed a small broken piece of the bacon that was on the plate for her father. Mother and the girls always had bread and jam and father had his eggs and bacon or eggs and steak on special days. Meat was expensive and considered a luxury so most families only had it for special occasions. If you were wealthy you might be able to have it for one meal a day, but her father decided that he would have meat for every meal, but only him as there was no sense on wasting meat on worthless females as they did not contribute to the family wealth. That way he could brag that at his house meat is served at every meal.
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