Chapter 21

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Will and Seline walked single file to the commander’s tent which had been set up for him by troops that were at the beginning of the procession. THe troops made sure that it was ready when he got to the camp. Will told the guard that he was ordered to report to the commander once his camp was ready. The guard walked to the tent door, and knocked. He was told to enter. In a moment he came back out followed by the commander who was now without his uniform jacket and smoking a cigar. He walked up to stand in front of Will and Seline. He saluted and Will saluted back Seline followed suit a little late. The commander noticed but did not say anything. He stopped and looked right at Seline, “What is your name boy and where are you from?” “His name is Samuel and my name is Will. He is my brother sir. We are from Jessup county.” The commander looked first at Will and then at Seline. “I know you can speak boy. Don’t think he will always be around to answer for you. You are in the army now and that means no more hiding behind your mama’s skirts. You will stand up tall and answer for your self when spoken to by a superior officer. Now do either of you have any field training, medical knowledge, or even know how to sew?” Will shook his head “No Sir.” But Seline answered truthfully “Yes sir a little. I can sew at least.” She spoke so soft she could barely be heard over Will’s firm “No”. “Alright then. Once we arrive at training camp, I want you both to report to regular training like everyone else. Afterward, I want you to report for the afternoon to the medical tent. They will need stretcher bearers and doctors assistants. I think you two will fit the bill. Now go and you two will be the first to arrive and the last to leave for everything from now on. Dismissed.” The commander turned on his heel, putting his cigar back in his mouth and walked back in his tent. Will and Seline walked back to their tent with a sigh of relief. Will more so than Seline. He was afraid with her stuck here that they would both end up on the front lines. Now at least he would be able to ensure that she would be far back from the fighting with the medical corps. When they got back to the tent they grabbed Will’s mess kit. Will very slyly grabbed an extra cup that was laying on the ground outside of some one’s tent on the way to the dinner line. Seline did not realize how hungry she was until she was walking to get some dinner. All she had eaten all day was a few pieces of bacon. Will grabbed the plate from his mess kit while he gave Seline the bowl. This would work for now. Will would need to inquire about getting replacement supplies for her if she was going to be here for a while. For now she would be able to survive. That was all he really cared about now. If it were not for him she would not be in this position. In the meantime he needed to try and find a way to get her back home. Her idea of pretending to be sick may have merit, but would be harder to pull off if there was a full medical compliment with their company. They may have to fake an injury, or that their mother was dying. He would have to make friends with one of the other officers to find out the information he needed. The other thing is that he needed to get her out from under the commander’s watch full eyes. He had noted her and that would mean that he would notice if she disappeared now. There was a lot for him to think about. They went through the line for dinner and thankfully Sterling was in the back slicing meat and not able to talk to them this time. He too would be an issue for Will. Sterling knew that Will did not have a brother named Samuel and also that he was not from Jessup county. Sterling also knew Seline. It had been a long time since they had seen each other, but Will knew that given the chance, Sterling would recognize her. Will did not know if Sterling would tell the officers or if he could be persuaded to keep their secret, but he did not want to have to find that out. Seline and Will went back to their tent and sat against the nearby trees to eat. Will did not have much of an appetite, but Seline ate everything and some of the extra that Will had given her. As night came on they started a fire outside their tent and sat in front of it to keep off the damp chill that night brought with it. They had not said much to each other through out that whole day. Both sat staring into the fire. Will thought that this was not exactly the way he had thought his first full day of being married to Seline would be like, in fact, it could not be further from what he had imagined. At the very least he thought that they would have their own house. His father always told the brothers that they would each get a piece of the farm to use as their own for their home and their animals. Will certainly did not have any thoughts of war, or what it could do to his family. Seline was soon yawning and ready to lay down for the night, and Will followed her inside the tent after putting out their fire. They were not intimate this evening but just held each other close for warmth and for the reassurance that they both needed to feel. It was going to be a long war if they could not find a way to get Seline home soon.
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