Chapter 19

1177 Words
Standing outside the tent, she was able to see that most of the men had already taken down their tents and were getting ready to leave. Will bent down and rubbed his hands on the damp muddy ground in front of the tent. He quickly looked around to see if anyone was looking and then rubbed some on Seline's face and forehead. They worked together after that to get Will's bed roll picked up and tied it to the horse. They also took down the tent together and tied it Will's the saddle as well. They were some of the last people done and as a result had drawn the commanders eye. He rode up and down the row that they were in trying to move the last few stragglers along so they could move out. Will took Seline to the mess wagon to get some bicuits and bacon for breakfast. They stood in line with all the other soldiers quietly. Seline kept her head down and tried not to make eye contact with anyone. She was afraid that they would see right away that she was a girl or that she would see someone that she knew and they would recognize her. When it was their turn they moved through without any issue until they got to the end of the line when the young man doing the biscuits turned out to be a younger boy they both knew named Sterling. He had always been friendly but shy. He seemed glad to see Will. "Hey Will, It's me Sterling. I haven't seen you in a while. I am glad to see a familiar face. Are you part of the infantry then? They made me part of the cooking crew seeing as I am one of the youngest here. They said if I do a good job I may be promoted to flag bearer." Will reached over and shook his hand. Seline took the opportunity for the distraction and got out of line. She walked over to a nearby tree and waited for Will. She slowly ate the bacon not having taken a biscuit since Sterling was passing them out and she did not want to be recognized. She covertly watched the hustle and bustle of the camp with men walking by in every direction. Seeing Will step away from the food line Seline pushed off from the tree that she was leaning against and began to walk straight towards him. With a great cry and horse whinnie, bringing Seline's attention to her right, she realized that she had run straight into the path of the commander's horse and caused him to have to pull up short. "Damn you! Watch where you are going. If you don't start paying attention you will be one of the first casualties!" Seline backed up quickly and bowed her head. "Sorry sir." she said trying to keep her voice soft and low. “Sorry don’t cut it soldier. Now get moving time is wasting and we need to move out.” The commander turned his horse and walked away. Seline stood rooted to the spot. Will watched the commander go and when he was out of sight he hurried toward Seline. He did not say a word but grabbed her by her upper arm and hurried her along. Will walked her over to where the horses were in the trees away from everyone else. “That was close. You need to steer clear of him. If he takes notice of you he will keep and eye on you. We need you to be invisible so that you can get away. I want to hold you and kiss you right now, but we will be seen. “ Will looked down into Seline’s face and gave her a small smile. “Come on lets get the horses over there so that we can be at the end of the line.” Will said pointing to where the cook wagon sat. Will and Seline walked the horses to where the end of the marching column would be. They decided to drop even further back when they saw that Sterling was riding on the wagon. At last everyone was in formation and the bugler sounded the march. The foot soldiers went first followed by the artillery and the cavalry brought up the rear. Will and Seline mounted their horses and made their way into the line forming the end. As the whole company started moving the commander rode to the back of the line, turned his horse and stayed at the back riding next to Will and Seline. Seline was holding her breath waiting for him to move on forward when the commander turned to her and said. “I thought I might find you here. I always ride at the back of the troops so that I can see everything that is going on in front of me and so that the ones who tend to straggle will be kept moving along. You look like a straggler to me so I will stay with you to keep you moving.” Seline looked at Will, who had his head down and was biting his lip. How was Seline going to be able to get away if the commander was riding next to her for the whole trip. The three of them rode in silence for the next few miles. Seline kept hoping that the commander would move forward in the column and check on or chat with the other troops. The commander stayed right with them. She began to get nervous. The place that she would need to break off at for her to head home was coming up soon, and if she could not get away she would be stuck. Now that the commander he decided to stay with her and keep and eye on her she still maybe missed if she disappeared. Seline finally looked over at Will who had not moved one muscle from the last time she looked at him when the commander first joined them. She hoped that he was lost in thought, thinking of a way to get her out of there. Breaking the silence the commander spoke to her. “Ahh this is a nice change. Finally someone who appreciates riding silently as much as I do. Normally when I ride with soldiers they try and talk my ear off. You sir can ride with me anytime.” The commander sat and looked around with a pleasant smile on his face. Seline however was silently groaning. She could not talk to the commander for fear of him discovering that she was a girl through her voice or speech. Seline wished Will had picked up on it and started talking the commanders ears off, but he continued to sit like a statue. Finally they had made it to the place where Seline was supposed to break off. The commander was still right by her side. There was no way that she would be able to leave the group now.
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