Chapter 6

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Seline went to the Ladies’ study after breakfast as usual. She got out the books and chalk boards, putting one on each desk. When no one came in within a few minutes, Seline poked her head out the door and saw her mother coming down the hallway. "Oh! There you are Seline. Come along. There is too much to do today, so I sent a not to Mr. Glassman and asked him not to come for lessons today." Her mother shooed her out of the study. With hands still waving Seline away she said "Go in the kitchen and help Henni for a while. Where are your sisters? This is not the day for them to have a lie in. They should be downstairs and have had their breakfast by now." Her mother continued to rant as she walked away and headed up the stairs. Seline figured that they were sleeping in because they were probably up all night talking. Alene must be very excited. After all it was the match that she wanted. When her mother came to the kitchen 20 minutes later she seemed frazzled. “Seline dear, your sister is not feeling well, and would like to talk to you. She is staying in bed for the day. Would you go up and see her while I help Henni fix a tea tray for her?” Seline thought this was odd, but maybe it was Alice that wanted to see her as she would be the sister who thinks that she is being married off to the one man that all her sisters had always teased Seline about all her life. Her sisters were convinced that she would end up married to Will. Seline went upstairs to find that it was Alene in bed waiting for her. As soon as she entered, Alice quickly stepped out of the room. As she went by, she put a consoling hand on Seline’s shoulder. Seline was now very confused. Why would Alene be in bed? She walked over and sat on the edge of her sisters bed and held her hand. It was ice cold. “Alene, darling you are freezing.” Selene rubbed her hand between her own to try and warm them up. Alene immediately burst into tears. “Seline forgive me. Forgive me.” She cried, reaching her arms around her sister and pulling Seline close to her. She broke down into hysterical crying. "I'm so sorry Seline." She hiccupped. Seline was now unsure of what her father had told her. Why was she so upset about this. Alene gets to marry the man that she wanted to marry? “What ever it is Alene? It can’t be as bad as all that. Did Papa not tell you the wonderful news last night? You are to be betrothed to Mr. Glassman this very evening. Isn’t that wonderful?” The only response that Alene gave was to start crying harder than before. “But I thought that you were fond of Mr. Glassman? I thought that this was what you wanted and that you would be happy with the match.” Seline was now confused. Not two days ago Alene was saying that she hoped in a years time that Mr. Glassman would have enough money to buy a place of his own and be able to pay a betrothal gift to Papa that would make him say yes. Now she had her wish, she was in near hysterics. “What is wrong darling? Is it because he does not have a proper place of his own yet? Don’t worry about that I am sure Papa will let you live in the old cottage until you have your own place.” Alene tried to pull herself together and stop crying. She took a few deep breaths and wiped her face with her night dress sleeve. Her red eyes and nose and sleep mussed hair made her look like a child. Seline remembered that she really wasn’t much older than one. She was only 15 after all. “Are you scared about getting married so soon. You are young, but Nettie Tates over on the other side of the river was married at 14 and she has a big beautiful house and 3 babies and one on the way and she is so happy. She has a husband who adores her and I know that Mr. Glassman adores you too. Everything will be just fine. There is nothing to be scared of. I promise.” Alene started to cry a new. Seline could not get a word out of her. It was now to the point that Alene was crying so hysterically, that the only thing that Seline could make out was the 'I'm sorry" that she hiccupped out every minute or two. Seline sat Alene forward and rubbed her back. She gave her time to calm down before speaking to her again. It seemed that everything that Seline said set her sister off, so she was afraid to say anything else until her sister had relaxed and was able to tell her what the trouble was. Finally, with Alene huddled into a ball in Seline's lap, and Seline running her hand over Alene's hair over and over agian, Alene quieted. Seline chanced a look at her face. Alene's face was red and swollen, and her eyes were puffy and blood shot now. Seline took a chance and decided to try agian. "Alene, are you ready to tell me what is bothering you? You have me very worried. I am afraid something terrible has happened to you. Please tell me what has you so upset." Alene had sobered her self by this time and with a very serious face turned to Seline. Alene took a deep breath and looked into Seline's eyes. Alene was wringing her hands in her lap. She looked down at them suddenly and said “Please don't hate me Seline. I am the reason that Alice will have to marry Will and you will have to marry that horrible old widower man.”
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