12. Remembering the ice.

1721 Words

12. Remembering the ice. Katarina. Life has never been as lonely as it is now. And so desperate. Not knowing what will happen to my life is a slow and almost endless agony, even more so if I'm locked in this house that I feel wants to swallow me whole. The staff won't talk to me, not even Talya, so every hour, minute, second drags on longer than it should. Igor, of all people, seems to be the best. A small ray of light amidst the gloom. The huge, intimidating, but I suspect good-hearted man - as good as you can call an assassin - lets me out into the back garden. With guards guarding the grounds and a tracker handle on my wrist, but he lets me out. And that's where I make my first friend. He's four-legged, with brown fur and yellow eyes that don't exactly make you fall in love.

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