The Pull

1086 Words

“Why?” Nathan asked me with his brow shot up and I shrugged my shoulders in response. “What do you mean why? Harold is my roommate, I am worried too.” I replied but it doesn’t seem convincing enough to them, especially Nathan. “We are going to be outside the four walls of this academy, I don’t think it is safe to come.” Tristan chimed in and I glared at him because, at this moment, his words might be enough to change Nathan’s mind. “So? It doesn’t matter, I am going to be with two strong alphas. You would be able to protect me and besides, if I stay alone…. Zayden might come for me.” I told them and I felt Nathan slowly agreeing to it. “She is right. She’s an omega, it is no big deal. Come on, let’s go. We shouldn’t waste time at all.” Nathan finally agreed and I had to hold the smile t

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