Aztec slammed the door behind them shut and he turned to Torak. "What the hell are you doing here? Are you out of your mind?" Aztec almost yelled, realising what problem Torak's presence might cause. Not in his wildest dream did he think the Alpha would just pop up in their mansion. "It seems like it, doesn't it? Because I won't be here if I am in my right mind." Torak snarled and Aztec frowned. "I don't know why you are angry at me, but coming here? What were you thinking?" Aztec asked, folding his hands over his chest. He doesn't understand the Alpha, they agreed to stay away from each other, so why was Torak here? Risking everything to come here. "Apparently I wasn't thinking, same way you weren't the day you sneaked through my window." Torak replied with sarcasm. "Right, I jump t