Chapter Six-2

2005 Words

There was the clink of glasses, then the sound of footsteps as he re-crossed the room to hand Lady Gratton a glass. “A toast, ma chérie, to your beautiful eyes, your irresistible lips and your exquisite and very desirable body!” Lady Gratton laughed. “As usual, Jacques, you are very poetical.” “How could I be anything else with you?” he replied. Shenda felt that they must be sipping their champagne. Then, in a voice that sounded as if he was impatient, the man Lady Gratton had called Jacques said, “What news have you for me? And speak in French. It is safer!” Again Lady Gratton laughed. “You are quite safe here and you know that you always tease me about my accent!” “Only because I love your broken French as I love everything else about you!” he replied. “Now, what news have you

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