A Distant Memory

250 Words
Deep inside a dark mountain, a coffin made of solid mountain rock lay undisturbed. The air was thick with the stillness of time, as if the cave itself had forgotten the world beyond. Spiders, long residents of the cavern, scurried across webs strung from one jagged wall to another, their movements the only signs of life. Dust had settled like a thick, ancient blanket over every surface, muffling even the softest sounds. The cave’s entrance, once open, was now sealed shut by centuries of overgrown greenery, blocking out any hint of sunlight. Not a single ray pierced the dense curtain of vines and moss, leaving the space cloaked in a perpetual, impenetrable darkness. The coffin remained motionless, untouched by the world outside, waiting. A sudden tremble of the earth reverberated through the cave, stirring the stillness and sending spiders scurrying across their webs in a frenzy. With the quake came a whisper, barely audible but filled with ancient power—echoes of forces long forgotten, slumbering for a thousand years. From within the coffin, eyes of black and gold slowly opened, their gaze piercing through the suffocating darkness. Awakened by the disturbance, the eyes gleamed with a power untapped for centuries. “Illiana…” an ancient voice rumbled through the cave, the name hanging in the air like a ghostly echo. The presence stirred but did not rise. Instead, the eyes drifted closed once more, retreating into their timeless slumber, awaiting the moment when the call would truly demand awakening.
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