Book 1 Chapter Sixteen - Working out

1429 Words

Alesha’s P.O.V I have had a quiet day to myself after Jacob left…well as quiet as I could have with him blowing up my phone. I refused to text back or answer his calls just to annoy the heck out of him. He did give up eventually, hopefully, he found something or someone else to occupy his mind that was not me. I was bored now though. I decided to go to the gym for a work out since I have not been in two weeks which is not like me. I am usually there three times a week but the last couple of weeks I could not be bothered. Today I was feeling overly energetic and up for another kind of work out. Then after that, coffee sounds good, a coffee from the small café just a couple of doors down that I loved going to. I moved my ass off the sofa, getting changed into my work out clothes before g

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