chapter 27

1198 Words

Bryan was about to enter the car when Mr. Samuel stopped him and immediately bowed. “Sir, I’m sorry. I just confirmed directly with your subordinates, and you’re truly the CEO of Crestview. How foolish of me! I should have known. I even made some ridiculous statements earlier. I deserve punishment for offending you, the god of war. Please, let me call the people back and announce your position.” Bryan nodded, stopping him. “It’s okay. People believe what they want to believe. Even in that situation, they don’t want to accept that I’m the CEO, even though it’s obvious.” “It’s because they’re too shocked to hear that you are the CEO,” Mr. Samuel replied. “I couldn’t care less. All I care about now is Tracy. She’s going through all this because of me,” Bryan said. Mr. Samuel then advised

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