chapter 45

855 Words

Bryan frowned, confused. "What woman are you talking about?" Tracy's eyes flared with anger. "Mitchel said she saw you with another woman! You caused all this! If you hadn't been sneaking around, none of this would have happened!" Mrs. James chimed in, her voice sharp and accusing. "I knew it! You're just pretending to be some saint, Bryan. How could you cheat on Tracy? We should leave this villa right now! I hate how you're lying." Bryan raised his hands, trying to calm them. "Wait, wait—Mitchel's lying. The woman she saw with me was the congressman’s secretary. She was helping deliver the furniture the congressman gifted me." Tracy's face twisted with doubt. "You expect me to believe that?" "Look her up if you don’t believe me," Bryan said firmly. Without wasting time, Tracy pulled

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