chapter 65

1050 Words

Tracy was shocked and seriously wondering what's going on. Because this morning, her mom and Bryan was really on a good term. Mrs. james was pacing the room, her face flushed with anger. “You,” she hissed, pointing a finger at Bryan. “You, you… I Don’t even want to be seeing you again here after what happened at the hotel? You humiliated me! You lied about everything!”. Bryan’s brows furrowed in confusion. “I didn’t lie about anything, Mrs. james. What are you talking about”. “Don’t you dare pretend!” Mrs. james shouted, her voice echoing against the walls. “You told me you already taken care of everything, that you talked to the owner of the paradise hall, that you booked tier 1 ha, all of it was lies and I was humiliated!”. Bryan told her, “What about Mr. Thompson, I took care of it

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