1210 Words

Mrs. James’ face twisted in confusion and simmering annoyance. “Mr. Sterling, it’s alright. Really. Tracy, just pour the drink, darling,” she instructed, masking her frustration with a forced smile. But Mr. Sterling’s trembling hands moved to stop her once more and faced Mrs. James. “Mrs. James,” he said slowly, almost pleading, “I’m afraid this isn’t about the drink. Please, just stop her and… let it go.” Mrs. James stiffened, her brows knitting as she looked at him incredulously. “What is going on here, Mr. Sterling? Do you mean to imply that Tracy isn’t worthy to offer you a toast? Or—that you don’t want our children to marry?”. Mr. Sterling took a steadying breath, his expression fraught with tension. He cast an uneasy glance at Mr. Gideon, who nodded in silent agreement. “No, M

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