Chapter 92

1002 Words

After settling everything in the construction site, they both went home. Tracy told her mom that Bryan wasn't cheating and they misunderstood him. Mrs. James then sincerely apologized. Then, at that moment, the door beeped and Tracy checked the monitor and saw Mitchel. "Oh, that witch is back, I must teach her some lesson", She said and angrily went to opened the door. she was about to shouted at her when mitchel hauled at her, "You are the one right?, you Are the one that make them sacked me at the company. I was just helping you to see the truth, that Bryan was just a cheater and you shouldn't be with him, I was just helping you, how could you make them sack me". Tracy frowned and crossed her arms, "I don't know what you are talking about, but I am very happy that you got what you de

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