chapter 74

1188 Words

Zaiden’s eyes narrowed as he studied Gold Tooth's ragged appearance, noticing the gleam missing from his mouth. His face hardened. “Boss… what happened to your gold tooth?”. Gold Tooth waved him off dismissively, but Zaiden wasn’t one to let things slide. “I asked you a question. How did you lose the tooth? That’s what everyone knows you by.” His voice was sharp, a tone honed from years of discipline in martial arts and mystic studies. Gold Tooth sighed, looking uncomfortable. “It’s nothing, Zaiden. A... misunderstanding. But it’s in the past now.” Zaiden’s expression darkened, his voice lowering to a dangerous calm. “Don’t insult my intelligence. It’s not ‘just nothing’ if you are all holed up in this hideout, hungry, and missing a tooth. Now, talk.” Gold Tooth exchanged uneasy glanc

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