Thorbjorn tried to bite back a laugh, but didn"t quite succeed. "Sorry. But I bet Roarr couldn"t ignore her then." "No, he could not," Sigvin said. "And she was still talking. Words I knew she would die of embarrassment if she even remembered speaking them in the morning. Roarr looked frankly alarmed, like he didn"t know how to get rid of her. He didn"t want to touch her, but he couldn"t get her off his lap without doing so. And I was at loose ends as well. I was afraid if I tried to pull her away that she"d start making a real scene and neither of us would be welcome back ever again." "It was that bad?" I asked, wincing a little in empathy. "It was that bad," she agreed, but then she brightened a little. "And then Loke was there. He came in the door, looked around, and it was like he k