Fire Heart

1467 Words
At Legolas- The Lair of the Dragons Minhyuk I was sitting here in the balcony of the imperial palace while staring mindlessly at my fellow dragons flying in the air. My thoughts are focused on a single person only. I still can't believe that after all the efforts that I did to show how important he was and all the nights were we shared our love together, he still managed to kick me out. I returned to the neutral land with hatred and longing towards my elf. He said that he will give our paring a chance but he was the one who gives up first I still remembered the time when he let the guards took me. It was the morning after we made that amazing love-making. The dragon queen-my mom- found out that I am having an affair with an elf so she sent some guards to pick me up. Why did I love you this much Jin? Why did you give up on us? "Pardon me my prince but the Dragon Queen is looking for you. Please meet her on the balcony of the palace." One of our servants awakened me from my trance. What the hell does my mother need this time? At the Imperial Palace "Good thing that you're here already Minhyuk." My mom greeted me right after I landed on our balcony. The palace of the dragons is made of crystals that illuminate the surroundings. I've been living in this place since childhood but I always prefer sleeping on nests and caves instead of my room. Don't know why...maybe I'm picky. "Greetings my queen" I bowed down to show my gratitude. "You have a visitor. " I immediately stood up right after I heard her news. Could it be my Jinjin? God, I can't stop but smile. "Where is he mom? Is he in my room?" I grabbed the hem of her dress because of excitement. "He's in the dining hall but-- " "Okay, see you later mom thanks!!!!" I cut her off because I really wanted to see my mate. I almost use my magic just to get into our dining room. I was so nervous but excited as well. I slowly open the door to see Jinwoo at last but all of my feelings crashed down in an instant when I saw the Mystic friend of him. Not Jinwoo. "Hello there Mr. Dragon." "Why are you here wizard?" He took a deep breath before he stands. Damn, he's so tall. "Uhm...hyung, I personally went here to ask for your help." He was teary-eyed when he approached me. Ugh..such a tall kid. "What is it?" "Uhm... Eunwoo hyung's mate is missing and Jinjin is in a critical state right now. We-" "WHAT????" He was startled because I raised my voice but the hell I care, my Jinwoo... he's unwell. "What happened to them?" "We don't know yet Hyung but we believed that Jinwoo has been cursed while Moonbin was abducted by an unknown enemy." I balled my first because of anger. Damn, who the hell did this? Not with my precious Jinwoo. "Do you know any race that knows the secrets of curses?” "Well I do Hyung but you see, I'm still a junior wizard, and base on what I've inspected, this is a class S spell. I can't reverse it." "I understand. We need to call Myungjun for help too. Maybe the oceans have some secrets that could cure my mate." He nodded in response but I noticed something in this young wizard. Is he sick? He looks like one right now. His as crimson as the fresh blood. "Wait for me here. I just need to settle something." Moments later "What do you need this time my son?” I bowed to her while my other hand was on my chest. This is our way of giving respect. " I will be straight to the point, my queen. Please allow me to go back to the human realm." She stood up from her throne so I look up to meet her gaze. My mother is the most beautiful she-dragon of her time. Her golden fire is the rarest of our kind that's why she was also called the golden queen. She walks towards me with finesse while she carries her dragon staff. No one ever messes with her or else, you will get roasted. "Are you really going to betray our kind child?” "Please, just this once mom. My mate needs me. He's in great danger." I went straight toward her. Hugging her knees for permission. She cast a powerful spell to every portal so that I cannot pass through. My mom is so powerful that no one can open the gates for me if she won't allow it. "So you're choosing that elf over me. Is that it Graednill?" Damn, she's already using my dragon name which means 'rocky'. This time I know that she's already angry at me but my Jinwoo is in danger too. "No.. I love you so much, mom. You know that. Please don't make me choose between you and my mate. I'll do anything but this. I'm begging you" I said in between my sobs. I'm desperate already. My mom is very nasty especially if we're talking about my safety and all. It's choking me sometimes but I know that she just loves me. I'm her only offspring to the royal family that's why she's overprotective towards me. I heard her sigh. She then shoves my hands away from her legs before walking back to her throne. That leaves me crying even more. All hopes are lost. I'm so sorry Jinjin.  "Okay, I will give you one last chance." I snapped my head upwards. Shit...She’s letting me go? Please tell me that I heard it correctly. "Just this once, my son. If he could prove to me that he treasures you the most, then I will accept your mate with open arms but if he fails, then that's the end of you two. Are we clear?" "Yes, mom!!!!" I shouted because I was so damn happy. I even rushed towards her and crush her into a right hug. "I love you so much, my queen. You're the best Mom ever!" I chanted while burying my face on her shoulders. She giggled before hugging me back. "As if you have a choice for a mom." Yeah...that's my mom. The coolest queen in the land. "Take care of yourself, my prince. If you need any help, just roar. Okay?" "I will mom. Thank you" I said before hugging her once again. Sanha We just returned from Legolas by using one of their portals. I and Minhyuk-Hyung rushed towards to infirmary to check if there's progress towards Jinjin's condition but the pack doctor tells otherwise. Alpha Eunwoo is restless as well, thinking about his Moonbin. He still has his pup and if anything happens to him, he will not only lose his mate but his child too. "Myungjun is there anything you can do? Any songs or healing spells." It's the dragon prince desperately asking the mermaid prince of some remedy but the latter just shook his head. Everyone in the room became silent since then. No one dares to talk until a loud bang of the door catches our attention. An old man entered together with Eunwoo Hyung and his beta which I believe is Jungkook Hyung if I'm correct. The old guy inspected Jinjin and he diagnosed that my friend was under the influence of Magneurtum curse. A class S dark elemental curse which allows the caster to control his mind. If untriggered, the target will be unconscious like a puppet. "So how do we lift the curse?" Minhyuk Hyung asked the elder. "I'm sorry but the only way to remove the spell is either the caster will lift it himself, we kill the culprit or ask some help with other class S Mystics or priests." Yeah...a spell can only be countered by a wizard of the same rarity but where do we find them? There only 5 in the whole world. "How about my missing mate? Is there anything you can do to track him?" "I'm sorry Alpha Eunwoo but I think you guys might need to consult this to Yue." "You mean Jinjin’s father?” "Yes, Alpha. Remember, he's a class S moon priest? I'm sure he has ways to help you." "Then let's not waste time. We must go there as soon as possible." It's Minhyuk Hyung. He's really concerned about his mate's welfare. "Are you crazy? He's living in the tree of life dude..that's suicide" Alpha Eunwoo scolded his friend. "Dragons vs Elves remember?" "I know Eunwoo but we're talking about my mate here and your mate you know what I feel. Plus I wanna show his family that we dragons are not what they think of." Wow...Minhyuk Hyung was so brave. I wish I had a mate like him too. In the end, the dragon prince convinced the alpha about his plan. So this is gonna be a new adventure for us eh? Just hang in their Jinjin Hyung, we will save you and Moonbin'll see. Stay strong okay?  
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