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Moonbin Forest, a safe haven for all werewolves if we decide to make a run. Yes, I am a creature of myths that has four paws, set of sharp canines, enormous wolf form and an extremely attractive human form in both facial and physique. I'm Moonbin by the way, 21 years old and one of the outstanding warriors of Skythorne pack. I am currently patrolling in the southern border of the pack's territory. For us, going out for a run is our anti-stress remedy. It helps us relax and think clearly. The feeling of dried leaves, twigs, and soil on our paws is overwhelming. Right now, I am on the peak of the hill staring at the bright moon above me. My wolf is brown and could even compete to betas when it comes to strength and physical appearance. Too bad, we are still mateless. It's already been four years since my first shift but until now I still couldn't find my mate. I know that she's just out there, waiting for me to give her hugs and kisses until she speaks my name in a delightful moan. Having a mate beside you is the most fulfilling part of being a wolf. I promise to love her with all my heart once I meet her. I can't wait to have my little pups running around while I carry my mate. With full of joy and hope, I sealed my promises by howling loudly to the moon. Moon goddess please bless my mate until it's time for me to meet her. ----------------------------------------- Eunwoo "Alpha we have received some reports of spotted rogues within our border. We need to take precautionary measures before they attack us" my beta Jungkook. "By the looks of it, it seems that this is a large number. Isn't it?" I said while checking all the proposals on my desk. Being the alpha of the country's biggest pack is not a joke. I'm facing problems like every day and lately, it was the rogues. A lot of incidents are reported of seeing them along our borders within the past few weeks and now they're already trolling in groups. (A/N: Rogues in a werewolf community is referred to as a wolf who does not belong to a pack. They are either banished by their Alpha or they quit themselves.) "Yes, Alpha. It seems that they are watching us." Jungkook continues. If that's the case then I need to double up my security to protect my pack. I am Cha Eun Woo. Alpha of the Cerulean Moon pack. I got appointed to my position when my father-the previous alpha-was killed by a hunter. They infused his body with liquid silver using a tranquilizer bullet. It flows within his bloodstream which poisoned him to death. My mother -the luna- who could not handle the loss of her mate also died on the same day. Losing both of my parents did not stop me from caring for my pack. I was twenty at that time and it happened a year ago. Luckily, my father already prepared me for the takeover. He's just waiting for me to find my mate. Usually, the ceremony is held once the heir to the alpha position finds his luna. In addition to this, we can smell our mate once we reach our maturity. That's after our first shift but for me, there is none. Maybe my mate is not within my pack even though it comprises more than a thousand. I've been waiting for her for four years now. I know that I am not a wanderer. A wolf who loses his or her mate before they could even meet. I can still sense mine. She's just out there and I will make sure that we will meet no matter what it takes. "Okay prepare for a pack meeting. We need to warn them of the danger that is coming. I'll be back after an hour." I said while preparing myself to leave. "Yes alpha." My wolf is itching to free himself after a long day of work so, from the balcony of the alpha's mansion, I jumped over and landed on four paws leaving shreds of clothes on the ground. My wolf is pure white with oozing authority and power. He is enormous and his fur is sparkling as the moon shade hits it. His physique is twice as that of betas so expect that he also has an advantage when it comes to strength and agility. After scratching some dust, he began to stride into the forest to feel the amazing scent of woods and night winds. A long howl was then heard which echoed within corners of the forest.
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