Bizarre of a Witch

1559 Words
Moonbin It's early in the morning and the smell of my old home is peeking in my nose. I missed this scent of my room where I always lay after an afternoon of heavy training or a night of patrolling and hunting around the pack borders. The sun is already hitting my face but I still don't want to wake up. I want to savor the moment wherein I'm still in my room because, by the end of the day, I will go back to Eunwoo's mansion. Lately, my craving for food was somewhat lessened as well as my morning sickness. Maybe because I'm already in the third trimester of my pregnancy. My baby bump is somewhat showing too...fuck it...who do I fool, it's so big now. We've been here in Skythorne for almost five months already and I drop from school too. Eunwoo and I actually. Right now, my mate is at the Cerulean Moon pack, investigating the issue about the rogues lurking outside our territory. His friends already returned to their own lands too. They have their own responsibilities and they can't stay here for too long. Jinjin and Sanha are visiting me sometimes to bring me fruits and fresh meat. By the way, I and my mate have decided not to check the pup's gender. We wanna be surprised. Jinjin and Sanha were excited as hell too. We're really into it since I'll be giving birth to it soon. I long for it, yes, but I'm nervous too and luckily, I have friends and mate that supports me. However these past few weeks, I noticed some changes in Jinjin's behavior. He's always looking at the sunset while deep in his thoughts. I found him crying sometimes in the woods which strengthens my thought that this is not just a simple problem. So this time I approached him instead of just watching him from afar. "Hey." He quickly wiped his tears right after he noticed me. "Too late for that Jinwoo. Now, tell me what's bothering you" He heaved a deep sigh. "Do you miss him?" He was surprised by my sudden attack which caused him to look away. So, that's what it is then huh? He sighed again. "Partly yes, he was my mate too, you know." "I thought you elves don't have one?" "Yeah, but them has." He said pertaining to the dragons." Luckily, I am mated to one so I'm also engrossed to this mating idea since then." What surprised me was when Jinwoo looked up with so much sadness in his eyes like I never saw before. "I tried to shoo him away Binnie because I knew from the start that we could not be with each other." He cried so hard. "Says who Jinwoo? You?” I caressed his face while wiping his tears. "Look, I know that your thinking about your races not being in good terms but hey, this is your chance for love Jin." "But this will start a war between our worlds and I don't want that to happen because of my selfishness." "Wait, did you kick him out?" He didn't answer me so I knew I was right. "Minhyuk doesn't want to leave was he?" He still didn't answer but he nodded this time. He cried even more which made me hug him for support. I understand why he did that too. Elves are harmonious creatures and war is not their company. That's why they keep hiding from dragons all this time. No one knows where this riot between dragons and elves originated and this affects my friend so damn much. "Binnie.." "Are you fine now?" "I am. Thanks" he smiled. " uhm... I want to tell you something-no scratch that-I wanna show something Binnie." He said right after he detaches from my hug. All of a sudden, sparkly gust of wind encircled us together with some leaves and flower petals. A magic circle appeared under our feet followed by a blinding light. Next thing I knew, we're in front of a small cave. My mouth dropped because the place was magical. Tall trees were surrounding us leaving a single opening for the sunlight to hit the cave. The entrance was covered by a pink flower curtain and wildflowers surround it. There's a stream that marvelously flows from the cave too and butterflies of different colors were flying from flower to flower which made the view surreal.  "Damn Jin, this place is beautiful," I said with joyfulness within my words. I can't describe the feeling. I love the flowers. "Of course. I made this for my one and only" Jinjin smiled while saying those words. I look at him with eyes full of curiosity. "I'll explain later. Let's go inside" he said before waving his hands upwards. Suddenly, a mass of green sparkly dust starts to cycle on Jinjin's feet. His eyes change its color as well making it a brown one with a ring of green pigment around his iris. He chanted some incantations and a giant white flower engulfs him. The petal shined brightly until it started to bloom. My eyes widened in awe when a different Jinjin emerged from the flower. He has long locks of dark hair with leaves sprouting from it, armor made of nature, and a large green butterfly wings on his back flapping majestically in the air. I was like, what the hell? "Yes Binnie, I'm a hybrid of a fairy and an elf," he said right after he landed in front of me. "Wow..amazing but..why didn't you tell me?" He sighed. "I haven't awakened my fairy form that time and I lost all hopes as well." He said with sadness in his eyes. "And....?" "Well, not until that awesome was dazzling...oh God no...he was dazzling,” he said with admiration in his eyes which made me arc my left brow. " Minhyuk isn't it?" He nodded with a face as flustered as the ripe strawberries. I laughed so hard which made him stomp his feet and flap his wings while wearing a pouty face. Damn, I didn't know that Jinjin has this kind of side. "Okay... I'll stop teasing you Hyung but is this the thing that you wanted me to see?" He shakes his head while saying no. He then flaps his majestical wings and circles above me covering my body with fairy dust. I covered my mouth to stop my scream. My goodness!!! I'm floating in the air. "Alright...its time to go inside." He said before facing the entrance of the cave then blows something from both hands. Once again, I looked at how Jinjin made some magic in the air. What he did earlier made the flower curtains fold upwards like snakes revealing the opening of the cave. He then flies inside while taking me with his magic. "f**k!" Damn, I cussed because of bewilderment. Wanna know why? That is because, in the center of the lake, an enormous bud of a pink lotus was floating in the water. I can say that it's not an ordinary bud because it's sparkling. I also noticed some sparkly small creatures encircling it which illuminates the insides of the cave. "Jin, what is that?" We stopped just above the lotus flower. He didn't answer me, instead, he just waves his hands which made the flower to start blooming. "Is it yours? Y-you can bear just like me?" He nodded with tears flowing on his cheeks. I look down at the large blue egg once again. "Congratulations Jin. You must tell Minhyuk too! He has the right to know" "But he's not here Bin. Don't worry, I will take care of him myself."  He cried before closing the flower again. We then flew back outside. "This is the reason why you're crying every day right?" I said right after I grabbed him for a tight hug. Once again he didn't answer. He just cries on my chest like there's no tomorrow. I patted his pack for support. We were like that for a long time until he calmed himself. As I was about to detach myself, a strong wind blows like there's a storm. "So this is where I could find you...Bitch" We look at the person who shouted those words. "I-Im Soo Yang?" "Yes, it is me Bitch." She said with angry eyes. She looks different. "What is this? I am your Luna and I order you to submit!" But instead of following my order, she just maniacally laughed at me. " I can see that you are bearing Eunwoo's pup isn't it?" "What if I do?" "Then you must die! I am the worthy Luna, not you!" She shouted so loud and suddenly a ring of fire surrounds us. "W-wait you're a witch?" "Oh...your friend over there is not the only hybrid in this town darling." She laughed once again which creeps the hell out of me. "Any last words?" She said before molding a ball of fire on her hands. Eunwoo. Where are you? I need you here. "Okay...say goodbye to your mates, you disgusting faggots; Septem sagitis Ignis; Seven arrows of flames, Extinguish these creatures!" She chanted her spell and suddenly, a red binding circle appeared underneath us. Damn, is this the end? No... I wanna be with Eunwoo. I don't wanna die here. Somebody...please help. Help me
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