Alpha in Action

1366 Words
Moonbin Ever since that encounter at the sparring session, my father keeps on apologizing to my mate on our way home. He believes that he was being disrespectful towards the alpha of the neighboring pack but Eunwoo just smiled at him while saying 'it's okay Dad'. He's really feeling so close. Wasn't he? Now, my dad is believing in us being mates since its already the alpha who's claiming me. He was confused, yes, but he's slowly accepting the fact. He said that maybe the moon goddess has her own plan for why she paired us. Anyway, I am currently walking in the corridor going to my first class. It's only 30 mins left before it starts so I'm literally striding my way to our room. However, when I was about to climb upstairs, I heard a hiss. I listened carefully to know where it came from and there, beside the trash can was a cute little kitten who is about to get bitten by a snake. (Lol I really have the wildest imagination) It looks like it was abandoned by its mom. The poor thing saw me and I was instantly captivated by his blue eyes which are pleading for help. The color kinda reminded me of Eunwoo's wolf. So before that damn snake could bite it, I already snatched the kitten away. Werewolf speed yow. Meow Aw...he's l*****g my fingers. He's so cute. "You're really like Eunwoo. He loves to lick me too but unlike you, he's doing it in a lustful way." I chuckled at my own phrase. The kitten looked at me like he's trying to get what I'm trying to say but Nah, it's better for you not to know kitty cat. "I wanna keep you, little guy. Do you like that?" I said. He purrs while sticking his face on my palms. I smiled, he likes me. So, I ended up having a cat on my shoulders while taking my classes. The kitten got attached to me to the extent that no one could take him off. Even my mate who's sulking like a pup beside me couldn't get near us. My profs just let it be because it's not doing something crazy except sleeping on my broad shoulders. Some were smiling but others were disgusted. The odd thing is, Eunwoo is not talking to me even right now that we're already on lunch break. Jinjin and Sanha were walking with me while he was with Jungkook. Whatever, I'll just deal with him later at home. The day went by and alas, it's already my last subject. Roa is still with me while I'm taking down notes. Sometimes his catching the edge of my pen while I'm writing something so I'm petting him to make him stop. Geez, his an attention seeker too just like someone who sits beside me. Yep, I named the kitten Roa. A name that would fit for this black and white-furred creature. A few moments later, our class ended so we fixed our things up. It's the last subject for the day and I'm so excited to bring Roa home. Wait, did I already mentioned that I am now living in Eunwoo's house? If not, then I do. It's my dad who initiated it. It seems like I'm a girl. Well, it's a custom to us wolves that if ever a she-wolf finds her mate, she needs to accompany him to his pack. She will forget her own and become one with his mate. Help him with his daily needs, take care of the house, and of course, produce a pup. Going back that night, my mom brought us both to our room. I thought that she would scream on us like an angry cow however what she does make me cringed. For God's sake, she squealed like a fangirl who sees her idol for the very first time! I never knew my mom was a fujoshi by heart. Not until now. She complimented Eunwoo on how good looking he was and etc. Heck, she even undressed both of us to see if who's the uke and seme as what she called it instead of just asking us. I was so embarrassed when she found out that it was me. I don't know how she did that but she just said Eunwoo could fight. "I could fight too you know," I said but she just laughed at me saying to don't bother myself because she knew from the start that I'm a submissive wolf. Like the hell? I looked at my mate to see if he knows what she's saying but the jerk just smiled at me. Now going back, I am walking in the corridor towards my locker when someone cornered me on the wall. I groaned in annoyance when I found out who it was. Remember before when I said that there are humans who tried to ask me out? Well, here's one of them. Presenting Wang Zi Qi. He's the star player of the school's volleyball team and one of the academic achievers too. "Hi, Moonbin. It's been a while since I saw you." He said while casually caressing my cheeks. He confessed to me I think a month before Eunwoo transferred to our school. He has been captivated by my smile as what he had said but I wasn't really into guys well not with my mate though. "Yeah, it has been. Now, will you please let me go?" I said to him while stopping Roa. He doesn't like the person who's talking to me right now and he wanted to claw his face off lol. Maybe his thinking him as a threat but he relaxes after I petted him. Well, me too. I feel disgusted when his fingers touch my skin. It doesn't feel right plus, I don't like his scent too. Not that he has a body odor but my body doesn't want his. "I-I just wanted to hug you for inspiration. It's our championship game tonight," he said with his eyes full of pain. He's not even smiling anymore. I know it's painful being rejected by the person you like but it's better that way so that he will not build his hopes up and be hurt furthermore. I don't want that for him. He's a human anyway so he can cope up. "I'm sorry but I really can't return your feelings towards me but to give you my support as a friend, let me do this." I hugged him. We were like that for several minutes until I felt something on my neck... His tears. "I understand. Don't worry, I will not bother you anymore but can I ask you a favor one last time?" He said in between his sobs. "Sure. Anything for a friend" "Ouch," he chuckled in between my neck but I know he's hurt. "Can I kiss you goodbye on your cheeks?" He separated from the hug and looked at me with anticipation. I was hesitant at first but sighed in the end, nodding my head. Alas, his smiling again. He quickly planted a soundly kiss on my left cheeks which made me laugh at his childish act, however, that laugh changes into a shock expression when I saw him lying on the ground, unconscious. Screams from the bypassers who witness the scene echoed in the corners of the hallways. I look at the culprit who's no other mate. His glowing blue eyes were full of hatred and jealousy. He's close to shifting too. His claws were already evident and some white furs were starting to sprout from his face. "Eunwoo stop!!!!" I shouted which earned more attention from the other students. God, he's about to expose our race to humankind and I need to stop that. He tried to attack the unconscious Ziqi on the ground but I pounded on him first. Leading us to the cold surface of the cemented floor. "Get a hang of it!!!! You're misunderstanding things!!" I shouted to his face but he just looked at me with disapproval. "So you're on his side now? Tell me, Binnie, are you having an affair with him? You are mine!" He shouted back. I heard some gasps and murmurs. We need to talk, away from these people so without hesitation, I pulled him up while dragging him from here. Uhg...This is gonna be a long day.
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