Seeds of Life

1675 Words
Moonbin Yesterday was a blast for both of us. I confessed my feelings towards Eunwoo and he announced to everyone that I am his mate and their luna. I am happy, yes, but somehow nervous as well. It's my first time running a pack and not just an ordinary one but the largest pack of all. My mom always told me stories about the Cerulean Moon pack when I was a kid and now, I am one of its rulers. Well, enough of this talk. Today is Saturday which means we don't have classes. Eunwoo is still sleeping in our room so I'd decided to make his breakfast. That's the time where I met one of the pack's omega whose task is to prepare the alpha's meals. "Good morning Luna. How may I serve you?" He bowed to me when he noticed my presence. "Hello there, may I know your name?" "Its Jimin for you Luna." He answered. "Nice to meet you Jimin." I smiled before I took his hand for a handshake. " You already know my name I suppose." He nodded so I took it as a yes. "Well then just call me Moon Bin from now on ok?" I said before I headed towards the table where the ingredients were settled. "B-but Alpha Eunwoo will gonna get angry if I'll do that Luna." He protests. "Nah...I'll handle that big bad alpha for you okay?" I smiled at him. "Alright then." He answered back. "So how may I help you, Bin?" "Great! Well, I want to make breakfast for my mate and his friends so can you help me out?" "My pleasure Bin." "Alrighty...thanks" Jimin was really a good person. We're talking a lot of things about this pack while cooking and I can say that his a great wolf. I am glad that omegas were treated nicely in this pack in spite of having a lot of members and sometimes a bad-tempered alpha. My mate was indeed a good leader. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jinjin I struggled as far as my strength could handle but this dragon was too strong. He was indeed the prince of all the dragons. So, I surrendered, dropping my sweaty body on the ground. Damn, I'm so exhausted. "Hmm...It seems that my stubborn elf couldn't make it." He said with a playful smirk plastered on his lips. "Look, we are not meant to be mated lizard. I am an elf and your a dragon. We're killing each other's butt. Second, I cannot bear you any eggs because I'm a guy. Maybe this was a mistake." I reasoned out but he strongly protests by shaking his head. His grip became stronger to the point that I can already feel pain on my wrist. His pinning both of my hands above my head while his thighs on mine and I can still feel that thing poking on my shorts. "So you're saying that your friend's pairing was also a mistake is that it?" He said with sternness in his voice. He's angry. "W-well, it's not like that. Uhm.." God, he got me there. The heck Moonbin! Why are you mated with a guy? "Your name is Jinwoo right?" I nodded. He still remembers my name. Even though we exchanged names in a bad situation, he still remembers it. "Jin, it wasn't a mistake. My dragon mark could prove the thing." He looked at his mark on my waist. It's glowing brightly just like the one on his chest but now I'm starting to feel a burning sensation on mine. I look at him and his smirking again. "That simply means your into heat as well babe" "W-what do you mean by that?" "Well, you see, we dragons are prone to heat too just like our werewolf friends but unlike them, our mate could feel it on our marks. If the werewolf's mate is a human, only the Were could feel the heat unlike ours" he explained with an unusual expression on his face. Then suddenly, I felt something wrong. Ugh...! The hell! Why were my groins aching so bad? Beads of sweat were starting to fall from my face. I groaned loudly. Damn it hurts so bad!!!! "Yeah, babe. I know..shh..I-I can take it away b-but I need your consent" he said without looking at me. "The hell! If it could cure this thing why don't you do it?!" I shouted at him with annoyance. "Well..uhm..." He looked at me with a blush on a face. "God how shall I put this..." "Wait..ouch!" Uhg..shit this mark. "Why the hell are you not feeling this?" Damn... I don't want this t*****e! It's like dysmenorrhea on human girls. Don't get me wrong ok. I have friends. "It's because only the bearer could feel that pain." Wha-what is he talking about? "I know you're confused. Bearers are the submissive dragon mate and that is you while I am your dominant." Ugh..great. "Also, that pain signifies that you're mature enough to carry my offsprings" My eyes widened. So his not joking about me getting impregnated? "We dragons are mystical creatures and so our ways," he whispered before hugging me. "Just so you know, I feel twice as you do babe. Not the pain but the l**t. We dominants can smell your heat but since I am your mate, my craving would be potent enough to make me insane if I could not take you now." He bit my shoulder which earns a groan from me. Every time he touches my skin, the pain intensifies. It's like I'm craving something from him too. "Please babe. Let me knot with you. You will feel more pain if we will not mate" What? No... I'm not ready for this!!!! "Wha-ahhhh!!!! God damn it. It hurts so bad." "Shhh...uhg...damn I know you'll get angry after this but I can't watch you in pain" Wait he's not gonna do what I'm thinking. Would he? "D-don't even think about it lizard!!" "I'm sorry" I shouted when he carried me in his arms inside the cave and in due time, I was already n***d on top of a rock. "Don't worry babe. Rocky jr will ease the pain." Right then, I knew my life will change. Especially when his lips met mine. Whatever the circumstances would be, I will just face it when it's already there. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moonbin Jimin and I were about to finish the last batch of bacon when Sanha burst into the kitchen together with the sweaty Jungkook behind him. "I'm sorry Luna, I tried to stop him but he cast a fire vortex on me," Jungkook explained which earned a laugh from me. The usual Yoon Sanha for you. Now that's the reason why Jungkook looks like a disaster. "Whatever wolf. He's just cooking!" Sanha rolled his eyes which earned a growl from Jungkook. "By the way, I brought a mushroom pepperoni pizza!!!!" He exclaimed which diverted my gaze on the thing in his hands. I sniffed the air and the smell hit me. smells awful. I wanna puke. "What the hell Sanha!! It smells like a poop!!!" I said rushing towards our room. Eunwoo wakes up right away after I slammed the door. I hurriedly went to the cubicle and puke on it but there's nothing coming out of my mouth. Sweats were on my face but I'm still throwing up. After a while, Eunwoo is already by my side to wipe my face with a towel. "Hey, are you okay?" He asks while caressing my back. I nodded in response. I flushed my particles. He then supported me until I reached our bed. God, it feels like my strength has been drained. "I'll call the pack doctor okay." He said after he settled me on the bed. That's the time that I noticed him wearing nothing but his CK boxers. I gulped. No...Binnie. Just avert your gaze from the temptation. "Wait...Binnie. Did you use some kind of cologne or something?" He asked while sniffing the air. I look at his face confused. "No, I didn't." "Huh? Then why do you smell like peaches and gums? Damn, I really need the pack doctor as soon as possible." He scratches the back of his neck while dialing the phone. Damn, he looks like a God displaying his glory in front of me. Ugh...damn that pizza. Yes, Moonbin. That is because of the pizza. Nothing else. You're not a horny bastard okay. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eunwoo "Is he gonna be okay?" I asked Nam-joon, the pack doctor. I am worried about my mate's condition. "He's fine now Alpha. There's nothing to worry about. The symptoms are just normal in his current situation." He said while tapping my shoulder. "What do you mean by his current situation?" He smiled while I am puzzled about what he said. "Congratulations Alpha. Luna Moonbin is carrying your pup. He is pregnant" The hell? I never hired him to joke around the situation so I choked him with my left arm. I was so angry that he's playing games with my mate's current state. "How dare you play games on me. My mate's illness is not a joke!!! Plus he's a guy!!!" I shouted my lungs out. My wolf is surfacing in anger. "I'm not joking alpha. Your mate is pregnant and your soon gonna be a father." I was about to claw him out when someone stops me. "Stop Eunwoo. Let him explain first" it was Jungkook. I sighed and released him. He was gasping to get some air when someone busts into the front door. "Oh my god!!!Jinjin!!!what happened?" I heard someone shouting from the sala. And that changes the atmosphere among us. Even though I don't want to leave my mate, I need to check if what is going on so I, Jungkook, and Nam-joon hurriedly went downstairs to see if what is that commotion all about. However, what we saw was a n***d Rocky with the n***d unconscious elf on his back. "We need some help!" He worriedly looks at us before placing the elf on the sofa. I ordered some of my omegas to bring some clothes for them. Ugh...this morning is so stressful. I have been greeted with problems as my morning call. I hope that this day would it in a good way. God, I'm still worried about my Moonbin. What if it's true that his pregnant? Damn, I will be the happiest guy ever!!! However, if this doctor is lying, I will kill him with my own hands.
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