The Chat

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Meera's POV   After the lecture session with Shagun, we entered the house, finally. Everything was a chaotic mess. One good thing was that the Haldi was over quickly and then Sana left to take bath. We had our lunch all together. It was a really good time  spent with everyone. We were all leaving to go and get ready for the wedding, when all of a sudden something came in my mind. I know it might sound stupid to some, but I really wanna talk to Sana alone for a few moments. I asked Shagun to wait for me as she was supposed to go with me. I went up to Sana's room, knocked at the door and waited for her reply. After few moments she opened the door. "Oh Meera, its you. I thought its mom." "Well sorry to disappoint you then." "Oh come on. Come in now."   She moved aside, giving me way to enter her room. I have been friends with her for a long time now, but practically this room is still very new to me. The first time I entered this room was only yesterday. Well, keeping the strange feelings aside, I looked up at her and said, "I wanna talk to you." "Yaa go on. Oh wait. Did you have lunch?" "Yep, we had." "Ok, tell me what do you want to talk about." "Sana, I don't know whether you know this or not, Aarsh is still not ready for the marriage. We all convinced him somehow, but you see, he may not be welcoming at first, but give him some time. He will come around." "Did Aarsh tell you to say all this? To convey the message through his PA?" Ok, that hit hard. But I very well knew what I was up for when I decided to come to her room and have a talk.   "Right now am not his PA. Am his friend as well as yours. So its just a piece of advice I want to give you. That's it. Please don't think it other-" "Otherwise? How can I not think otherwise?" She cut me. "I don't understand." "Well, as you have decided to come and talk, I will also talk to you Meera, open heartedly. To be frank, our relationship is no more that perfect relationship that people used to get jealous of. That died long time ago. I don't know when, but it died. We are just together because of everything that binds us together, but certainly not love. You know what, when you get accustomed with someone, love is not the only factor you stay with that person. There are other factors also, but yes love always remains the most important part. But in our love story, love just left. But we are still together because of those other things that bind 2 persons together. And that's it. And to be honest, I know Aarsh will never come around. He will keep this marriage either by hook or by crook, but will never call it off. And to be honest, am thankful to him. Meera, lets not give each other false hopes. I know what am doing. I know its wrong, faking everything, tying someone forcefully, but do I have any choice? Does he have any choice? Our parents are waiting for ages to marry us off, our friends and families are pissing us off, moreover that constant threat of Deepak. First he drowned Aarsh, then he wanted to get over with you, we don't know when will he stop, I can't take any risk knowing that I am the problem. Please Meera, don't give me any lecture. Am not saying it in a bad way, am just requesting you to try and understand, cause I know out of all people, you know the situation lingering over here way better."   I was shocked. Not because of the way she spoke, but what she spoke. Yes, it always seemed that something was not right between them, I thought only I felt weird. But I never imagined that my speculation will be this accurate. Aarsh really went off after knowing Sana isn't his destined one. Earlier, I felt bad for Aarsh thinking I was betraying him by keeping things from him. But now I felt bad, rather sympathetic towards the person standing infront me. "I thought that something was wrong with me cause I felt there were some tensions between you two. I had never imagined things will turn out like this. I mean I really feel bad, for you, for him. But tell me one thing Sana, if there wasn't this Deepak situation and your parents give you a choice anyone you want, would have still married Aarsh?" "Well, that situation is not here so lets not think about such times and hurt our heart." "Ok, well all the best for whatever your goal is. By the way I see it and hear from you, it feels like you are walking towards a dead end. There's still a chance to rectify things, but still your destiny, right now, is a dead end. Please take care of your self. Just remember that whenever you need me, I will always be there. Ok, bye." And with that I left the room.    I came out of the apartment, met Shagun outside, who was waiting by my car. "Hey, what took you so long man?" She asked. "Nothing. Just went to check on Sana?" "Why? What's the need?" "Oh god, she is the bride to be. She must be scared right now, I just went to give her moral support." "Ok, but did she take it?" "Umm... well... may be, may not be. Who cares? I showed her that am still her good friend, at least from my side, and if any problem takes place I will help her out. That's it." "That's it? Oh come on there must be some more. You just didn't take this much time to say only these few words." Ok now she has started to get on my nerves, again. "Ya, I told her lots of other stuffs, and and and, I won't say a word from it until you reach that stage to hear it. I mean decide to get married first. And then just few hours before the marriage we will have this conversation ok? Till then let it be a secret." I ended up giving her my fake sweetest smile. "Gross." She muttered. "I know." I replied back, shouting.  We went to our house to get freshened up. We decided to meet after 2 hours in our favorite saloon. Finally to get ready for the main event, where little did I know my life would be changed for ever. Sana's POV   After Meera left, I kept on thinking many things. I was confused. There were lots of questions running in my mind right now. I always thought that something is there between Aarsh and Meera, something which is like love relationship sort of, but definitely beyond that. I don't know what but there was something. And to make things more fishy, she told me that she is one of the few who convinced Aarsh to marry me. Why? Why would she do that? I expected her to be one of the hindrance in my marriage, but she isn't, instead she supported me, may be not blindly, but she did, and that's enough for me. Secondly, for last few days, am not into this marriage anymore the way I was before the start of it. I applied to many universities for my doctorate course and I am hoping to be selected in the one I recently applied for. I know Aarsh won't stop me from studying after marriage but, I want to be free too. With the burden of a family, household, I can't to anything peacefully. The moment I will marry him, I will be tied to him. Should I talk to my brother? He always knows what should be done, what is good for me. But will he help me right now if I tell him about my second thoughts on this marriage? No no no, its a bad idea. I literally forced everyone to quickly get done with this marriage, but if someone gets to know am having second thoughts, they will think am mad.   All this confusion were running in my head when all of a sudden my phone started ringing. I checked the number, its an international one. I hope it is not what I suppose it is. I picked up the phone with my shaky hands, pressed the answer button, placed it on my ears. The moment I said a soft hello, "Is this Sana Mohan we are speaking to?" came a voice in thick Irish accent. "Yes." I said softly. "Congratulations, you have been selected for the doctorate course in our university. We really hope to see you soon. The closing date is on Monday." Today is Friday. "Ok, I will be there by Monday morning." "That's good to hear, thank you, have a nice day." And the phone went silent. s**t. If I get married today, I can't show up there on Monday. It takes minimum 22 hours to reach Boston.    s**t, I can't be married today, I need to postpone it. Whom should I ask for help? Whom should I ask for help? Yes, I know who is the best person to turn into right now. He always supported me on my education. He always said carrier is way more important than anything in world. Yes, I will talk to him, make him understand my situation. I picked up my phone again, dialed his number, with in 2 rings I heard, "What's now?" "I need your help, please."
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