Lunch Is Over

702 Words
    When they got their trays, Ripley's nervous flutters about being alone began to vanish. She followed Elias to a table filled with a group of three guys and two girls. All wearing some variation of dark and bright clothes with what she could only assume to be a mixture of bands or Anime names attached to them. They all looked up at her and stared for a moment before she awkwardly smiled and said; "Hi!" Ripley said. "Guy's this is Ripley she's new to this school," Elias said waiting for the guys to scoot down the bench so they could make space for them. One of the girls sitting across from them smiled and said: "Hi, my name is Dany". She then reached out her hand and Ripley placed her tray on the table and shook it.       Dany was a tall girl with long black hair. She wore a chain necklace that hugged her throat and a snugged blouse paired with ripped jeans and heavy combat boots.  "Ripley? That's a cool name" said one guy sitting at the far end of the bench that she was sitting on. Ripley leaned back to make eye contact with him and said "Thank's". "So, were you named after the movie?" He asked. "Um, yeah, my mom used to love movies, and that one was her favorites," She responded. "Steven! let the girl eat her lunch before you hound her down with your sci-fi crap!" Said the other girl. Steven was a husky guy with dirty blond hair shaved into a buzz cut. He wore black nail polish and blue mascara. "What?! It's a reasonable question!" stated Steven. "Don't mind him, Stevens, harmless "most" of the time," she said with a smirk. "I take offense to that, Lily. I don't harm anyone, I just troll," Steven said.    Lily is a short, chubby girl with bright pink hair and pale skin. She's wearing a black dress with a puffed-up petty coat and bright animal earrings.   "Sorry, Steven here-" She looked at Ripley and continued "Likes to write conspiracy theories that he doesn't believe in online." "I'm simply doing God's work," Steven said. "No, you're a menace," Riley says laughing.   The one guy sitting in between Lily and Dany looks up from his phone and asked her, "So, where did you transfer in from?" "Um, Pennsylvania but I'm originally from Puerto Rico."  "Oh, cool how long did you live in Puerto Rico?" "My whole life I've only been living in the states for three years," Ripley says poking at her food. "Oh wow, your accent is so good!" He replies. _________ Elias POV: 'What the hell Brandon!?' I could feel my eyes glaring holes at him and without even thinking I picked up a tomato and threw it at him harshly whispering; "Dude!" "Shut up, Brandon that's so rude!" said Dany shoving him with her shoulder.       Brandon is a skinny boy with short slicked-back hair and pale skin with brown eyes. He's wearing a dark black hoodie with an oversized jean jacket covered in pins and patches with a large Anarchy symbol painted on the back.   "What? What did I say?" Brandon asked while looking around the table. "That's pretty racist dude," I heard Steven say as he ate his burrito. When I looked around I noticed Lily just staring quietly at her food she did this whenever there was a confrontation in the group.     When I looked beside me Ripley had her hands tucked between her knees as she remained quiet. 'What should I even say, I'm sorry I sounded like a jackass this morning and that my friend is an ignorant asshole? 'I rubbed my head and released a heavy sigh.      Dany and Lily did there best to salvage the mood but Ripley didn't talk for the rest of the lunch after another ten more minuted had passed she got up and said; "You're all very nice but I think I'm going to explore the campus a little. See you guys later," Ripley said politely as she picked up her tray and left. Everyone waved and said there goodbyes and once she was gone Brandon looked around the table and asked: "Was that because of me?"        
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