
Their Light In The Darknesses

second chance
small town
weak to strong

Avalon Greenburg thought she had the beast life could give. She was had been dating Bishop Loughner for three yrs. when he asked her to marry her 8 months ago. Then she found out she was with child she didn’t think life could get any better and she was right, but it can get a lot worse in a heartbeat. When Avalon witnesses him kill a cop on the table her life becomes hell. She worked Rapid City, South Dakota. when they take her to the forest outside of DeadWood South Dakota. They Rape and beat her and leave her there bloody to die when she is found by a 5 mountain guide

Can they save her and the child’s life? Can she help heal the hurt the boys have deep inside

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Chapter One
Avalon: I woke up needing the bathroom like every morning with my baby sitting on my balder. As I got out of bed and walked to the door, I looked behind me to see my loving fiancé still sound asleep. I get to the bathroom and do what I need to. As I was stepping out into the room, Bishop was just waking up. He smiled over to me as he got out of bed and came to stand behind me with his loving arms wrapped around me holding my belly with our child. We get to find out what we are having today. I was hoping for a girl, but like all men, Bishop wanted a boy to follow after him. I leaned down and kissed him and said we must get going or we would be late for work, and we didn’t know that Tyler would not be happy. Tyler was a friend of Bishops and our Assistant Administrator at the Hospital we work at. Bishop just grown and then went to the bathroom to do his thing. I just smiled and got to get my work out fit on and make coffee for us to take with us. Soon, Bishop came out of the room dressed for work as well. We grab our coffee and head out the door. We both have cars in the parking garage, but he likes to drive me, because of how big I am getting. I hate it. It takes away from my freedom, but he just doesn’t see it that way and says it's best for the baby, so what every. As we pull into the parking spot for him and get out. He gives me a kiss and tells me to take it easy today and he will see me after work for our appointment. I just smile. He is always like that and will not kiss me where anyone may see it, but that’s just him. I headed to my office and put my stuff down. As I was checking all my mess, one of the RNs came in and asked if I could look at an older lady that had just come in. She is not one of my patients, but I didn’t have anyone coming in for two hrs. so I said I could look at her and go from there. My day went like always. I had lunch in the cafeteria with some of the other DRs and nurses. It was about a hr. before I was done. When there was a silver code, Witch meant Active shooter involved with law enforcement. That is a call for all Drs and nurses not busy to go and see if they can help. As I ran down the hall and just went to open the door, I heard a guy tell Bishop that he had to die on the table. He cannot make it out alive or it is the end for all of them. I froze cold and lost my wits for a minute, then slowly backed off the door to leave. Just as I walked around the corner, I walked right into Tyler. He grabs my arms to keep me from falling and asks if everything is OK. I just looked at him and said yeah, it's fine. I had just got done with my last appointment for the day and was heading back, sorry for bumping into you. I was just lost in thought. He just smiles like always and says it's OK, just be more careful, so I don’t get hurt. It's not good for someone as far along as me to fall. It could hurt the baby. I smiled back and said OK and walked away. He watches me for a bit then walks around the corner. Tyler: Avalon looked a bit off her game. I think I should talk to Bishop about her taking some time off. She is due in like two months and it may be getting hard on her now. I kept walking down the hall. I had got a text from Vincent that he needed to see me in a room. As I walk and get to the room and walk in, I see Vincent and Bishop in a heated standoff. I look at them and ask what the hell is going on. Then I see the cop laying on the bed behind them. Vincent looks at me and yells. "I told this Dum ass that Levi had to die. He cannot leave this room, or we all go down". Bishop yells back "how the hell can I do, that he is your partner; don’t you think they will ask what happen its my job here." As I listen to them something hits me. "When did you tell him to kill your partner?" Vincent looks at, “Why is that f*****g important right now he as to die” “when“ I yell back. Vincent and Bishop both look at me, then Vincent says ”like 10 minutes ago what does it f*****g matter”. My face falls had Avalon heard them. Is that why she didn’t look well? I looked at Bishop and said “I ran in to Avalon just a minute ago. She was coming from this way and looked very shook up. Could she have heard you two talking about killing the guy?” Bishop's face falls hard and he shakes his head. He is looking from me to Vincent and back. Then he looks Vincent right in the eye and says ” Don't you do anything to her. We don’t know if she heard us or not. She could just not be feeling well with the baby. Stay away from her. I will deal with her myself if it is true.“ I know right now that Bishop will never hurt her and with her having the child on the way, he will try and keep her safe. So that means me and the other guys will have to take care of this without him knowing it was us or he will take us down in a heartbeat for her and I know it too. I look over at Vincent and he knows the same thing I do. We will have to get with Baron and have this taken care of today. I look at Bishop and told him “Do what you need to do with the cop first, then we can go from there”. Bishop turns back around and puts a needle of air in his neck and he starts to move, then just stops and goes flat line. Finish this up, we should not be in here till your done. Come with me, Vincent, and we will look at the video cam to see if there is any with you going in the room till the end. He knows what we are looking for and that Avalon by the door. I told the others to give us the room. If I pull up the video from the hall, you can see that Avalon starts to open the door then stops and goes white as a sheet. She knows what they did, and they cannot leave her to rat them out. She will have to be dealt with today before Bishop leaves. I pulled out my phone and found the name I was looking for. I hit the call button and it rings about 3 rings later. The hard voice of Baron comes on “Yeah “ I took a deep breath. I feel bad for what I am going to do but we have a good thing going here and she can take it all away from us in one minute. “I need you to take care of a lose end without your cousin Bishop finding out you did it” “Why the hell can’t he know he has never been agents us before what dose he have to do with the job” I look at Vincent then go on “it is his Fiancés “” the one that is caring his child? She is like due in two months, right?” asked Baron. “yeah”, I said, “she has seen something today that could take the 3 of us down and you know as well as we do, he would not let anything happen to her if he knew.” I can hear Baron take a deep breath then say “He will kill us all if he fiend out we did this you know that. He had always wanted a family and he loved her very much. Is there no other way out of this?” I think, then say “no there isn’t” “you will need to get her now before he gets off work. I will get her out back and cut the video for the time it takes you to grab her. Take her to the hunting cabin by Deadwood. We will be right behind you. We can’t all go right now, or Bishop will know something is up. I will make something up on why she is not home for now, then we can go from there.” Aging Baron lest out a big breath and says “I hope we don’t regard this later there is no going back after we start this and you two had better know that” I did but there was more to this. I have had my eyes on Avalon for some time and would not mined a bit of fun time with her before its to late. “We know” I tell him “ok have her outside in 5 mints and cut the video I will take it from there. “ I hung up and look at Vincent and told him “She will be picked up in 5 minutes and take to the cabin. We will meet him there tonight. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t have mine a bit of fun with her hot ass before we said goodbye”. The look on Vincent’s face says it all. We have all had the hots for Ava from the day Bishop induce us to her. She had long legs and an ass that just begged to be held. Her long red hair was like a fire around her sofa face and drove us all mad with desire for her. But we would not go there and when she found out she was with a child we all knew that we would never have the time of day with her. But as luck would have it, things have changed and now, we can play and break the sweet little thing. It was too bad that Bishop would never get to meet his child, but there will be another lady in time and I hope he will get a child down the road. Baron: I didn’t like this, yeah it needed to be done, but this was the love of my cousin's life and with a child on the way. It was not something I was looking forward to doing. Before I left the military, we all had one role and that was that we never went after women and children. But a lot has changed now that I am out, and I know it will always be in the back of my mind, but I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to a little time with Ava. She was what all my wet dreams have been about of the last 3 yrs. She was the fire that I was dying to play with and now was my chance. I just hope to God Bishop does not find out because if he does, we will all be in body bags when he is done. When it came to Ava there was no limit, he would not break, for her and that child. I go out behind my house to where my all-black van it parked. It has no windows and no markings of any kind. The guys don't all know it, but as long as there is no video, then Bishop will not know we had done anything. He gets a syringe out of the kit I keep in the van and but a dug in it to knock her out. I hope it won’t do anything to the baby at that point, but it won’t matter in the end if it does or not. She will not leave the mountains alive no matter what. I get in the driver's seat and ask one more time that Bishop will forgive us for this then start the van and drive to the hospital that Avalon and Bishop work for. I pull up in the shower and watch about a mint later I see Avalon and Tyler walk out the door. Tyler sees me and makes it so that Avalon back is to me and is talking to her. As I get closer to them, I can hear what is being said. Avalon: “There is no way Bishop would do this by his own well. It’s all Vincent’s doing. I know Bishop and he is a life safer not a taker. You have to do something about this. Tyler” Tyler is just looking at me like it’s no big deal, but it is. We are talking about the love of my life and the father of my child. We can not have this over our heads as our child grows. I have not cared for Vincent for as long as I have known the guy. Just the way he looks at me tells me that he wants more with me, but so far, he has not done anything that can’t be undone, and I am thankful for that. But this, this can’t happen and not with Bishop in the middle of it all. I look up again at Tyler and he is looking behind me just as I am about to turn around to see what he is looking at. There is a hand slipped over my mouth and a sharp pain in my neck. My eyes start to close, and I get so worried about the baby and what’s going on. Does Bishop know this was happening and was Tyler involved as well? Are there things I still don’t know about the men that are around Bishop and our life? Then my world goes black and cold. Tyler: I watched her go limp in Baron's arms. She still stood by Bishop's side, no matter what, she would have been the best thing for him if not for that. I look at him. “ What the hell did you give her? She is with a child. Do you know what that can do for the baby and the mother in the end?” I don’t know what we are going to do with her yet, but I didn’t want any harm to come to the child if we can help it. Maybe if we could keep her tied up and live till the child is due, then I can at least take the child back to Bishop and he can have that much of her. I know how much this is going to hurt him. But it is either her or all of us. It's not hard to see what we are going to pick. Baron looks at me as he puts her in the back of the van with her feet and hands tied together and says,” What the f**k does it matter, she is not leaving the cabin living is she?” “ No she is not," I say, "but I am hoping to keep her alive for a bit till she can have the child and we can at least give Bishop that much of them back.” “I don’t know if we can do that, and you know it too. She is not going to be OK with this and will fight it till the end. You should know this” “I do, but can you look me in the eyes and tell me you are OK with taking everything that Bishop loves from him? He has been in hell all his life with the s**t his old man put him through. I just can’t leave him with nothing again, not again. This time he may take his own life. Is that what you want?” His look says it all he doesn’t want to lose Bishop and we almost did 4 yrs. ago. He tried taking his life after his dad had killed his mom and the twins. She had 5 yrs. before, then took his own life. Leaving Bishop with nothing. If Avalon had not come across him on that dark street, we would have lost him. She had saved his life and stayed by his side. She had saved him in more ways than one and now we are taking her from him. As he shut the door and looked at me, I knew he was feeling all the same things I was. The fear for our friend, the desire for her and the need to do this to save our asses. But there was no good way to deal with this. Unknow: I am standing outside having a smoke before I held back inside. I hear a woman yelling at someone. I use my phone's video to look around the corner. I see a nurse having words with some guy in a suit. I think I have seen him around here a time or he must work for the hospital at wall. As they are fighting, I see another man come up behind her just as she is turning to see who it is. He puts something to her neck and next thing she is out cold in his arms. I keep videoing and must keep a hand over my mouth to keep from making a noose. This is not good, as they are moving her to the van and tying her up. I can see she is with child and, by the looks of it, due very soon. What would they want with her it would make to secant to take her this close to due time anything could go wrong with her and the baby? They keep talking a bit, then the guy gets back in the van and takes off. The guy in the suit stands there for a bit then goes back inside. What is this all about, I think to myself. I will have to look into this and get ahold of an old friend of mine from the military times we had. I am a bit worried about the lady being with child and how they have handled her just now. I put out my smoke and walked back around to the front side doors and walked in. Just as I am moving down the hall, I see the guy in the suit again, this time talking to a DR. I start the video again. You never know when it may be needed. The DR does not look happy. As I get closer I could hear what,’s being said. “What the hell do you mean, Ava, went home? Was she sick? You should have had her looked at. Not sent home, we don’t know what’s going on and if she knows anything? What if something happens and she loses my baby, and I am not there to help her?” the guy in the suit doesn’t blink as he lies out his ass. “She will be fine man, come on. she runs one of the hardest places in this place and still has time for you and have a baby. Just don’t worry about it. I am sure she is back home safe and fine waiting for you to get off and then you two can talk about all this.” The Dr still is not happy about this but lets it go for now, then turns down the hall and into a room a bit down. The guy in the suit stands there a bit, then pulls out his phone, pushes some buttons and holds it to his ear, “Hay Vincent, we need to meet at the cabin tonight. Bishop is already looking for her. This needs to be dealt with soon. Yeah well do, see you there.” He ends the call and walks off. Well, that does not sound good at all. Did they just take the DRs wife with his child and act as if they didn't know anything? Dam this place has gone to hell alright. I stopped the video on my phone and headed back to my sister-in-law’s room. She was there having a check-up on her baby and my brother could not get off work to take her, so I did it for him. I just keep thinking about what I have seen and heard just now. This could get ugly for the lady very fast. I need to get more into this and see what I can do Bishop: Something didn't seem right. It had been just short of a month since when Ava had called me and said she needed sometime to herself. She didn't sound well like she had been caring this whole time. My sweet Ava would never have left without saying anything. She was waiting to tell me about what the doctor had said about the baby... My gut is telling me that I am not getting all the info here and I don't like it one bit. Ava has been the love of my life from the time i opened my eyes lying in that dark dirty street after trying to kill myself. I was at the low of my life but she had been right there with me helping me pick up the pieces one at a time and now she was just gone. God help me if I find out my dearest friend had anything to do with it. They will live just a long time and feel any pain that has come her and my child's way if that is the case. I have never had a hard time finding myself a woman. Hell with my build of 6'1" lean tone, muscular body, baby blue eyes and shoulder-leant blonde hair. But no one could fill my heart like Ava had and I can not wait to hold my child in my arms and keep them safe both safe. I have been looking and calling anyone I can to try and find her, but its like she just walked off the face of the plate, not a good feeling right now. I have tried calling the guy almost every day but they keep giving me that same bull s**t. We will look more when they get back. What the f**k is going on after everything we have been through and then just sit back and watch me die slowly with her by my side. The more time that keeps passing, the more I worry I will never get to hold any of them in my arms again and tell them how much I loved them. I keep looking a the bottle of Jake sitting on the book shelf. I have not had a drink since the time Ava saved me, but right now, with more time going by and not knowing how she is. All I want to do is finish what I started so many years ago..

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