Behind closed doors,
everything changes.
Behind closed doors,
the heart rages.
Behind closed doors,
there are distances.
Behind closed doors,
there are differences.
Behind closed doors,
what's near becomes far.
Behind closed doors,
you lose who you are.
Behind closed doors,
the heart is hiding.
Behind closed doors,
love is vanishing.
Behind closed doors,
one could not see.
Behind closed doors,
is love meant to be?
Behind closed doors,
one feels the pain.
Behind closed doors,
there comes the rain.
Behind closed doors,
all love seems lost.
Behind closed doors,
one loses the most.
Behind closed doors,
one could not reach out.
Behind closed doors,
hearts get locked out.
Behind closed doors,
one seems to forget.
Behind closed doors,
promises are not kept.
Behind closed doors,
the heart grows weary.
Behind closed doors,
lines between become blurry.
Who would have thought,
that love empties and pours,
even if the heart valiantly fought,
All the odds behind closed doors?
Behind Closed Doors
A poem
by Matthew Spades
This is an original work of literature. Reproduction by any form or means in part or in full without written consent from the author is illegal. All Rights Reserved.