Chapter 4- Show me what you've got

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After we finished eating, I quickly cleared our plates and began washing the dishes. My stomach twisted into knots as nerves tumbled around inside of me. 'Just a couple more hours, then you can come out.' I whispered to Calypso, her excitement radiating deep inside of me and making a warm smile spread across my face. "Come on Mil, let's get to it." My dad's voice boomed from across the room. He wore a thin long-sleeve black t-shirt and jeans. Walking over to the door, he quickly slipped on his boots and looked towards my room, motioning for me to go get dressed myself. I ran to my room, pulling on a similar black long-sleeve shirt, and walked out, pulling my black boots on, and reached for my jacket. "No coats, now that you have your wolf, you should be warm enough." He explained cooly, pulling the door open as a foot of snow waited just outside. This was going to be horrible, the urge to groan filled me but I knew not to complain so I sucked it up and quickly followed behind my dad. We stomped through the thick snow, the sky now clear and the ground sparkled beneath us. It was breathtaking, seeing the snow glistening from the sun as the trees were blanketed in white. Long icicles hung delicately from the frosty branches as little chubby birds tweeted about, fluttering from tree to tree. That's when I noticed my senses felt heightened. Every sound, every noise, and every smell clearer than ever. It was almost like I could see the smells and feel the sounds right at my fingertips. This was unlike anything I ever imagined. We walked towards a clearing my dad made behind the house and looked back at me. "Well, you know the drill." He said raising an eyebrow. I quickly jogged ahead, my feet breaking through the snowy surface as I tried to find my footing. "High knees." He shouted behind me, causing me to raise my knees up. It didn't help that I was so short, the snow felt more like three feet than one. I started jogging around the training ring my dad made for us. I would usually do ten laps and then start our warm up. I began to worry if I could even do that much in the snow. That's when I felt a burst of energy course through me, the cold air not seeming to affect me as much as I thought and my legs began moving faster than ever before. 'Just wait until you see how strong we are.' Calypso purred inside of me, her confidence boosting my own, damn I felt good. I inhaled the cool air as it filled my lungs. It didn't burn like usual and my body began radiating heat. I couldn't help the smile on my face as I passed my dad, his own smirk appearing now for the first time today. "I wouldn't be smiling yet, it just means I expect you to train twice as hard now." He c*cked his eyebrow while crossing his arms and watched complete my last lap. "Fifty jumping jack's now." He ordered with a nod. Getting straight to work, I got through them much faster than I ever would of before and stood patiently, awaiting my next task. "Let's just get into it, I think you are warmed up enough." He nodded before walking towards the side of the ring and quickly moved into his fighting stance, his eyes flashing black as he smirked mischievously. "Okay Mil, show me what you've got." His eyes were burning, excitement filling him as the realization hit that my wolf was here and he wanted to see what I was capable of. 'Ready?' I asked Calypso, feeling her charged with adrenaline. 'Let's show him what we are made of.' She growled excitedly, causing me to push forward and charge for my dad. One thing about my dad's training was he never held back. I had gotten more black eyes than I could remember from some of our sessions. He once even cracked my rib and I had to rest for two weeks. He told me he wanted me to experience real fighting because nothing could prepare me unless I was shown what it was like to experience hand-on-hand combat in real life. Lucius wasn't too fond of this method, after the rib incident I could tell he was mad at my dad. That night in his wolf form he curled up next to me and didn't leave my side for even a second, I knew he felt bad. I charged forward, seeing my dad's eyes flash as he quickly stepped to the right. I knew he was trying to throw me off so I made sure to keep my head clear and watch his body. He then swiped his hands out, trying to grab me as I dodged to the left. My leg sweeping under him as I tripped him, making him fall flat on his back in the snow. I didn't stop there, next I jumped on his waist, my small hands gripping him as I tried to pin him down. I didn't like hitting him, he always told me to, but it just felt wrong. I would rather pin him and make him concede that way. I slipped around his waist, my arm wrapping around him as I tightened my grip. I heard a low growl leave him and he started to wriggle out. I tightened my grip, the cold snow on my back, causing my adrenaline to spike even more as I pulled tighter. My strength constricted his airway as I knew I had him. Then I felt it, the small tap on my arm. I let go quickly, scooting back as my dad gasped for air. "You definitely got your strength." He laughed, breathing heavily. We ran through a few more drills and each time my moves became quicker and smoother. But he ended up pinning me the last two times. His strength obviously way more advanced my own. I'm sure in time though I will be just as skilled as he is. "Okay, no more going easy on you." He said while standing and walking over to our weapon rack. I frowned, his words making me feel like he saw me as weak before, for some reason that hurt my feelings. I quickly pushed them aside and watched as he grabbed two long wooden poles and threw one at me briskly. I caught it and got into my stance. This was my favorite kind of training. I doubt you would ever use a long wooden stick in the real world, but I loved the way the wood sounded when the two poles knocked together, it was exhilarating. My father stepped forward, not wasting any time as he jabbed at me quickly. I lunged back, taking a deep breath as we began to spar. His speed increased greatly, like he had truly been holding back this entire time. He rushed at me, slamming the pole into mine as he pushed me back. I stood my ground, trying not to budge as he gritted his teeth, excitement filling him. I quickly loosened my hold and ducked down, doing a sideways roll and stood, now facing his back. It took him a few seconds to realize where I went. I pulled my arm back and swung with all of my might. A loud crack echoed through the forest and to my surprise the pole snapped right in half. I blinked looking at my dad as he began to laugh. Complete surprise filled me as I didn't expect to be that strong. "Well, I guess it's time to meet your wolf then." Dad announced as he looked down at his pole with complete awe. Calypso howled with excitement as I couldn't help but jump up and down. "Listen Mil, this isn't going to be easy, it might take a while to fully transform." He explained, glancing at me sideways. "How do I do it?" The anticipation filled me, I wondered if I should take my clothes off? But then that might be weird with my dad there. I might just have to sacrifice these clothes, but they were my favorite jeans. Maybe I can just keep the shirt and underwear on. "It's easier if you get down on all fours for the first time, like this." My dad demonstrated, crouching down as he looked up at me. "Is it okay if I take off these? I just don't want to ruin my jeans.." I trailed off and he chuckled, nodding his head. I quickly kicked off my boots and then slipped my pants off, folding them and placing them on a wooden post. The cold temperature not even affecting me as I stood barefoot in the snow. Taking a deep breath I crouched down, looking at my dad nervously. "Now slip into the back of your mind, your wolf will know what to do, just relax and hand it over to her." He looked worried, his arms crossed in front of him as he eyed me carefully. I nodded my head, closing my eyes as I slipped into my mind. 'Okay Calypso, it's your turn, now show me what you've got.'
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