
The Anniversary of Love


Dustin first loved Liam like a big brother, but as he got older, that love became much more than fraternal. On the eve of Liam returning to university, with Dustin old enough to declare his love, they spend the night together.

Over the ensuing years, fate intervenes and keeps them apart more often than either man would like, but their love proves strong enough to endure it.

But when a pandemic sweeps the world, will their feelings remain strong enough to ensure they get their happy ending?

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1July 2015 The last of the bars were closing and Dustin knew without doubt he was more than a little tipsy, otherwise he wouldn’t have spent the last half hour openly flirting with Liam in front of their mates. But they’d been friends since childhood and by the time Dustin was thirteen, he’d fallen in love with Liam. Five long years of waiting to reach the age of consent. Not to mention Liam was the only person who knew Dustin was gay, having confessed his love when he was sixteen. Liam, ever the mature and logical thinking one, had made Dustin wait. Until I was old enough, which I am, and when I’d come out, which I haven’t. With having more mature parents who are very old-fashioned in their ways and thinking, my coming out to them isn’t going to be an easy conversation. But he goes back to uni in South Island in the next day or so, and I won’t see him for months. Dustin sighed and Liam gazed down at him where he leaned on Liam’s shoulder. “Think it’s time for home.” “We’re all gonna crash at Steve’s.” The voice came from someone at the table, but Dustin didn’t notice who. “Plenty of room.” “I left blankets or sleeping bags dotted around the rooms. Share or find somewhere a little more private. Whatever. We have a sleepout in the back, as well as my dad’s mancave shed. But whatever you do, wherever you crash, no smoking.” “It’s a warm night for June,” Dustin whispered. “We could go to the mancave. Quieter, more…intimate.” “Are you sure?” Liam asked. “I don’t want this to just be the alcohol talking.” That thought went a great way to sobering Dustin. He sat up a little straighter. “The drink may be giving me more courage, but that doesn’t change how I feel about you. You know I’ve wanted more than friendship for years.” “Yes, I do know. And I want the same, but you’re still not out. Not to mention we certainly couldn’t have done anything that would have landed us in trouble while you were too young to be more than friends.” “I’m old enough, now.” Dustin insisted. “Then let’s see what happens when we get to Steve’s.” Liam’s words were softened by the peck to Dustin’s nose. He’s never kissed me like that before. Dustin felt his hopes rise. It’s only a few short months to the end of term and we could spend the summer together. That would be a perfect way to get to know one another as lovers rather than childhood friends. We could travel, get me away from my parents. As much as I love them, they’re so tight-laced, they’d never understand me loving another man. “I’ve waited this long, I can wait a little longer.” Dustin smiled and eased away from Liam so they could both stand. “But I’d like a real kiss on account.” “On account of what?” Liam whispered, leaning in close. “On account of I love you.” To Dustin’s delight, Liam pulled him close. “I love you, too. I have since you were a skinny, gangly, spotty-faced kid.” Liam laughed as Dustin glowered at him. “I thought of you as a big brother when we first met as kids, but that changed. The moment I realised I was gay, I knew the love I had for you was as far from platonic, or even fraternal, as you could get. That’s been four long years already.” Dustin nuzzled against Liam. “And I had to make sure that at no time did my feelings for you ever cross the fraternal boundary. No matter how much I wanted you.” Liam pressed another kiss to Dustin’s nose. “As the older one, I had to be responsible and protect you, even from myself.” “And you did. Now it’s our time. Please. Before you go back to uni.” Dustin urged. “I won’t see you for months after that. It’s not like you can hop up here at weekends.” “No. My family can’t pay for my studies. I’ll be working to keep my loan as low as possible. But I’ll take time off in the summer. To spend with you. Now hurry. Before this lot notice and start ribbing us. If they start, we won’t get any time alone.” Dustin glanced quickly at their friends. He sighed his relief to see they were too busy calling for cabs to notice he and Liam lagged behind. One waggled his phone in the air. “Couple of cabs on their way,” he called out. As tempting as it was to grab Liam’s hand, Dustin settled for walking at his side as they joined their friends. This is going to be the longest cab ride ever.

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