4 - A Soldier of Megiddo-3

2017 Words

The old woman sighed. She looked out of her window for a moment. “There is another clone,” she said eventually. “He came here ten years ago. I assumed he'd escaped from prison and come to seek his revenge. When I saw you on my doorstep I was terrified.” “From prison?” “The human zoo he'd been kept in. Isn't that what these DNA collectors do?” “Some.” “So, this man must have escaped and come looking for me. Looking for answers. Fortunately the friends I mentioned were able to help.” “What did they do?” “Between us we gave him the answers he needed. Then they found him a safe place to live where he couldn't be found.” “These friends of yours. You mean clONE, right?” “That's what they call themselves now. They're good people. They look after me even though they have no real reason to

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