
1670 Words

*Levi* I'm listening as my brother and Abbi tell me the story of how they met and the obstacles they had along the way. Abbi also told me about how her and Ava grew up with minimal powers and that James and Michael were the keys they needed to unlock them. When she got to the part about being the legendary wolves, I raised my eyebrows. I have actually heard of the legend before but never in a million years thought that I would meet the wolves involved... much less live under the same roof as them. "So" I raise my hand in an effort to stop her. "You and Ava are THE legendary wolves? The ones that are born once a century?" Abbi nods before she begins reciting the legend. "Twins born of wolves, with a sprinkle of witch. Marked from both sides, giving them power and blood from the origi

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