
1761 Words

*Levi* Boom, Boom, Boom.... I groan as the banging on my door echoes through the room and wakes me up. I swear I've only been sleeping for ten minutes so whoever is at my door better leave me the hell alone. Or they may end up wishing they did. A moment later, the door flies open, to reveal James standing in the doorway "Time to get up, baby wolf." "Shut the hell up and get the f**k out" I growl, before rolling over and covering my head with the blanket. "It's time for training" he sings, his voice entirely too happy and chirper for whatever ungodly hour it is. "It's not six o'clock yet" I protest, even though I have no idea what time it actually is. Nor do I care. "We haven't had six o'clock trainings in a long time. We train at five o'clock now.... and it's 4:45, now let's go

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