
2472 Words

NineteenAllowing themselves a few moments to regain their strength after struggling with the bodies, they stood in a tight clump, eyes searching the darkness for any signs of oncoming trouble. Satisfied, they managed to hurl the body of the man into the river, waiting for the sound of the splash before they turned to the boy. The knife had gone through his side, under the ribs, and he'd screamed when that had happened. Not long afterwards, he'd gone limp. He didn't weigh that much and they pitched him down the embankment and watched him roll towards the river. The body became snagged on some outcrop of gorse. “Damn his heart,” spat the leader. He shot the others a look of sheer malignancy. “Get down there and pull him loose.” “They'll be here in a moment,” said one, his voice shaking. “

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