
2543 Words

“You've been together for a few years now, haven't you?” “Three.” “So, it must be getting easier.” “I keep it out of my thoughts, what she might be doing.” His eyes hardened. “And you, you're always there, aren't you.” “Peter,” interjected Marilyn, voice tinged with alarm, “we're partners. Gerry teaches me a lot and when I—” “Yes. I'm sure he does.” Marilyn bristled, went to speak but Tears gripped her forearm and shook his head. “Is it her safety that worries you, or your life, Peter? The fact that she's doing a job she loves, that she's dedicated to and is b****y good at?” “You don't know what you're talking about. How the hell can you, living in that b****y bed-sit of yours with nothing to do except gaze at the TV screen?” “You don't know anything about me.” “I know enough. Mar

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