Chapter 15-3

2004 Words

"Of course not, silly," Marivonik said. "Now, you be a good girl and do as I say. We will soon have you clean and shining brightly for the king." Melcorka placed Defender against the nearest wall, ensuring it was within easy reach. Marivonik"s fingers were busy, sliding her out of her leine and manoeuvring it down past her hips to her ankles, talking all the while. Bradan was already undressed and for a moment, her eyes lingered on his long, lean body, from his firm shoulders to his strong back and the swell and bulge of his buttocks. She looked away, suddenly ashamed she had intruded. And then she looked again, just as he turned to face her. For a few seconds, their eyes locked, and then Melcorka saw his gaze slide down her body, much as hers had done to his a minute earlier. He looked u

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