Chapter 10

981 Words

"Be wary of the Picts," the Constable warned, as they stood at the bridge over the river. "They are a fickle people. Drest can be charming, or cunning, depending on what day it is, or how the wind blows." He looked upward. "Be careful because the weather is about to change. Rain will swell the rivers north of the Highland line." He lowered his voice. "And be careful of the People of Peace. Your route takes you very close to Schiehallion." He held out his hand. "I wish you both all the luck there is. When you come south again, be sure to visit." As Melcorka and Bradan headed downhill, the Constable shouted after them, "and watch out for Brude"s druid. His name is Broichan. He will put you through the tests." Broichan: the name seemed imbued with evil. Its echo followed Melcorka down that

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