Chapter 5-3

2005 Words

"Sleep now," Bearnas spoke directly to Melcorka, "for you meet the king tomorrow." Melcorka felt suddenly nervous. She knew she was only an island girl with no experience of the world or of war. She had nothing to offer the king, nothing to show. She had travelled the breadth of Alba to see a man she had barely thought about in all her years of life. And tomorrow, she would meet him face to face, with the king in all his grace and she in only what she wore. Melcorka took a deep breath and looked at Defender. She also had her sword. She sat up, restless with her thoughts until Bearnas put a supportive hand on her forehead. "Rest, Melcorka. All will be what it will be, and it will be all the better if we sleep." Melcorka looked into her mother"s eyes and smiled. There was never any doubt

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