Chapter 1-3

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"The Cenel Bearnas." Melcorka repeated the words. "That means the people of Bearnas, but you are not the head of the island, Mother." "You have much to learn, Melcorka," Granny Rowan said. "It would be best if you kept your tongue under control, watched, listened and did as your mother tells you." "I see you brought supplies. How much?" Bearnas asked. "Enough for a five-day trip," Oengus answered at once. "That should see us to where we have to go," Bearnas said quietly. "It is time to become ourselves again." The islanders spread out inside the boat, each sitting on one of the wooden thwarts that ran from starboard to larboard, with Bearnas retaining her place in the bow and Oengus sitting at the long steering oar in the stern. There was silence, as if everybody was waiting for a signal. Bearnas gave it. "Dress," she said. The islanders opened chests that sat beneath the wooden thwarts, and each extracted a package. They changed slowly and with care, so it took them a full fifteen minutes to affect a transformation from quiet-living islanders who tended cattle and grew barley, to a boatload of warriors in chain mail. Melcorka stared at these people she had grown up with yet did not know at all. Standing in the stern, Oengus looked formidable with an iron helmet close to his head and a shirt of chain mail taut over his belly. Granny Rowan was amidships, holding her oar with as much aplomb as she had ever tended bees in her apiary. Lachlan, who spent his life cutting and stacking peat, was near the bow, smiling as his rough hands ran the length of his oar. Yet their presence faded to nothing when compared to her mother, Bearnas, who wore a chain shirt that descended to her calves, and a helmet decorated with two golden wings. Bearnas looked over the boat. "Weapons," she said, and her crew delved into the chests or groped on the bottom of the boat. They emerged with a variety of swords and spears, which they laid beside them on the rowing benches. Melcorka could only stare as her mother lifted a silver-handled sword. "Are you ready, Cenel Bearnas?" "We are ready," the crew responded at once. "Mother?" Melcorka felt the tremor in her voice. "Cast off!" Bearnas" voice was like a farm gate grinding over gravel. When she met Melcorka"s eyes, there was humour mingled with the steel, force with the compassion, but authority above all. "Push off!" The rowers closer to the shelf pushed themselves into the water, so Wave Skimmer eased sideways. Wave Skimmer"Row!" The rowers took a single short stroke, then another and Wave Skimmer eased toward the semicircle of light that marked the outside world. Wave Skimmer"In oars!" The rowers withdrew the slim, bladeless oars and Wave Skimmer burst out of the cave and hit the swell of the Western Ocean. The sea eagle figurehead rose, so it pointed to the sky, and then plunged down until Melcorka felt her stomach slide, and then it rose again. Bright-Eyes balanced on top, gave one harsh call and began to preen its feathers. A seagull swooped close, had a look at the sea-eagle and decided not to investigate further. Wave Skimmer"Raise the mast!" Bearnas ordered and, with no apparent effort, the crew positioned a thirty-foot tall length of straight pine upright in the centre of the boat. Oengus gave gruff orders, and stays were fastened to keep it secure, a cross-spar was hoisted and secured near the top and a great red canvas sail hoisted and dropped, to swell in the breeze. "Out oars," Bearnas ordered, "in time now, just like the old days." Granny Rowan began a chant that was quickly taken up by the others, so they rowed in unison, hauling at the oars with small gasps of effort, with Oengus proud at the steering oar and Bearnas standing in the bow, looking forward. Wind blowing, seas rising Wind blowing, seas risingAnd a man shouting wildly And a man shouting wildlyMy land is rich hiuraibh ho ro My land is rich hiuraibh ho roMelcorka swallowed hard and watched as Wave Skimmer rose higher and higher. She looked behind her as her home diminished with distance. Wave Skimmer"That is your past, Melcorka," Oengus said softly. "Say goodbye. Your future is coming." Melcorka was not sure how she felt. There was sadness there, and uncertainty at the suddenness of it all, but mingled with the doubt was a surge of excitement and wonder at all the new things she knew she would see. Sea spume and surging weather Sea spume and surging weatherAnd an elemental storm wearying them And an elemental storm wearying themMy land is rich hiuraibh ho ro My land is rich hiuraibh ho roShe looked at the crew of Wave Skimmer. She had known these people all her life; now, they sat hauling on the long oars as the ship rose and fell, dashing aside the waves from its sharp prow. The youngest was middle-aged, the oldest in her dotage, yet here they were, pulling lustily at the oars and singing as if all the fires of youth burned in their collective belly. Wave SkimmerRushing wind lashing Rushing wind lashingAnd the white-headed waves grating And the white-headed waves gratingMy land is rich hiuraibh ho ro My land is rich hiuraibh ho roThe chants continued, verse after verse, with Granny Rowan starting the opening words and the crew joining in as they leaned forward and hauled back. A shaft of sunlight probed from the east, reflecting from the waves in a myriad diamonds of light and highlighting the faces of the rowers. Never would their courage shrink Never would their courage shrinkThe stout-hearted crew The stout-hearted crewMy land is rich hiuraibh ho ro My land is rich hiuraibh ho roSuddenly, they did not look like farmers and peat-cutters. The sun cast shadows from high cheekbones and strong jaws so, for the first time, Melcorka saw the hidden strength of these people. She saw the deep eyes and set mouths and wondered how these men and women would have looked twenty or thirty years or so back, when they were in their prime. At last, they saw the land At last, they saw the landAnd they found a safe haven And they found a safe havenMy land is rich hiuraibh ho ro My land is rich hiuraibh ho ro"Over there." Bearnas" voice broke into Melcorka"s train of thought. "That"s where you are heading, Melcorka." She leaned closer to her daughter. "There, you will find your destiny."
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