*Hunter POV* Ava's emotions are so extreme. She is going to be such a powerful wolf. But at the moment I struggle to help her. I can handle her lust, that is the easy one, I only have one task and I can do it well, we both enjoy that one. I can handle her anger, fighting, we just train that one out, I have a few bruises at the end but I don't mind that, but her sadness is beyond me. I just watch her trying my best to calm her. She can't breathe. Her lips are starting to turn blue. I stand up in the middle of class and pick her up. She wraps her legs around me and buries her face into my shoulder. I put one hand under her and keep rubbing her back with the other hand. The teacher goes to open his mouth and I shoot him a look. Daring him to say something. He stops in his tracks. I open